"No thank you, could you actually tell Steph his fiance is here." I emphasized glimpsing sarcastically back at the ladies behind me and catching everyone off guard.

"second thought, You know what I think I will have that drink, tellem I'll be at the bar." And with that notion I walked away heading to the nice bar where three girls were serving guest.

The plate I had made, I set on the bar top and within a second a pretty younger black girl with dimples greeted me.

"Hey hun, what you having?"

"I'll take that new X drink please."

"Okayyy coming right up love."

I glimpsed at my phone seeing the picture of Steph and I as the screen saved and quickly swiped pass it.

"Look who's having a drink." The familiar voice called out from behind kissing my neck.

"Your um lunch is there." I replied suppressing my anger and jealousy to the best of my ability.

"Oouuuu you made all of this for me mami."

"Doesn't seem like you need it as busy as you are."

The young girl returned with a shot glass setting it in front of me with a smile. "Here you are."

"Oh nah Erin she's not drinking, you can have it though."

"Who says I'm not having it?" I replied grinning.

"Daddy said."

"Oh boy please."

"I said what I said, you can take that back or like I said have it for ya self Er'."

"I'm staying out of it, I'll take this for myself. It's on the house boss?"

"Yep on the house Erin. Madi come to my office so you can watch me eat baby." Said Steph trying to lead me by my hand as the plate occupied his other.

Without rebelling I followed suit submissively, oddly wanting all of the women to see me at the center of his attention. Im not sure what had come over me but I was being very territorial and jealous.

The moment the door shut to his office I felt bad for behaving the way I did and feeling the emotions I felt.

Steph took a seat at his desk wasting no time unpacking the aluminum foil and devouring the plate as if he were having his last meal.

"How come you didn't tell
Me you worked here?"

"Work here?" He repeated between stuffing his face.

"Yes work here Steph."

He let off a chuckle, "I'm the owner."

" what a surprise."

"How come you didn't tell me the truth about where you went yesterday?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you."

"Well I didn't want to worry you either."

I exhaled relaxing back into the chair and looking at the ceiling.


"Jealous? Of what?"

"I don't know you tell me."

"Would you want me to be jealous?"

"Never these women don't compare to you."

"I've been hurt before."

"And I intend to never hurt you, now tell me what you went to the parents for!"

"To see my dad... I told you."

"Okay well suit yourself. This food was good as hell. Even better than last night woman."

"Who runs this place when you're not here?"

"My best friend Cindy or Lance."

"And I've met neither."

"You haven't met my parents either."

"Well when will I?"

"Before the wedding hopefully." Steph laughed taking the last few scoops of the macaroni.

"You always have a sense of humor."

"And you don't. Have you started planning?"

"How could I with all that's going on."

"Snappy Mcfee today I see."

"Do you not want to touch me because you're around all of these women on the regular?"

"That's a stupid question Madi."

"No it's actually not! You never told me you worked with all of these beautiful women."

"I shouldn't have to. What you may find appealing is not appealing to me, you are."

I folded my arms speechlessly trying not to further the subject.

"I just—-."

"Just love me, Well I love you too. Now thanks for the food I have a meeting in about 5 so I'll see you and the kids at home. And don't cook you've had a tough day I can see it in your face. Get some rest."

"Now you're kicking me out."

"Come on Madison, don't start being insecure I hate that in a woman."

"You know what. You're right. I'll see you at home!"  I snapped gathering myself to leave.

"Can I at least have a kiss."

"No. Now have a great meeting."

I stormed out feeling worse than how I felt when I entered. I hated that I was acting like a spoiled jealous brat but I couldn't help myself! I could've burst into tears as I made it to my car.

Everything in my life was falling apart and had continued to. After being raped twice and killing my child's father I knew I was condemned for the worst! My life was cursed anything I thought was good always turned out to be bad. How could I have been fooled by my happiness with Steph.

By the time I made it in town it was time to pick the kids up. So once again I had to hide my emotions. I had been doing it for so long my mind and body was programmed by now.

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