Chapter 8

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I am so going to die.

My last breaths will be of sour, stiff air, my last words: "NOOO! AHHH!", my last thoughts of if I'll become some creature of the night, and my last vision: Gerard's sullen face.

How perfect would that be? Not.

Gerard is running down the stairs now, but stops right in front of Frank.

"Frank, you really need to li-"

Frank turns towards Gerard, looking angrier than any person can physically look.

"No, Gerard. I see how it is. How long have you been doing this, huh? Hiding all the humans for your selfish being, huh!?"

Frank turned around and I swear, if looks could kill, I would currently be dying a slow, painful death.

"You." he spoke softly while pointing at me.

My heart stopped and though I waited for quite some time, his gaze never lowered.

"M-me?" I finally managed to squeak out.

"Come here." he beckoned me over with his index finger.

"No, stay there, Alice." Gerard cut in, stepping further in front of Frank, closer to me.

"Alice?" Frank had a confused look on his face, which was quickly replaced with a wide grin, "We know names, now? Oh, Alice.." he whispered my name in a timid yet malignant way.

Franks now walking over to me.

"Oh, Alice," repeating what he said before as he knelt down beside me and caressed my face lightly, slowly. I'm about to spill all of the contents of my stomach on him as his blood-breath hits my face while he whispers in my ear, "you've made a big mistake coming back here with him, Alice." 

Frank got up and is turning towards Gerard. 

"And you, you've made an even bigger one." Frank growled while advancing towards Gerard.

There was a look of pure terror crossing Gerard's face and then was when I noticed how capable of destruction Frank really was if he could so easily cause this vampire, this blood-drinker, this killing-machine so much fright.

"Frank...Frank I honestly, honestly, honestly, did NOT mean for this to happen. I don't even know how I let this happen, how this human could possess such a power over m-" Gerard was again cut off by Frank, but this time by Frank's hand covering his mouth.

"It's alright," Frank said quietly, but it was too suspicious to be trusted, "I know exactly how I can make you pay, while getting rid of our the same time, killing two birds with one stone, so to speak." Frank chuckled, removing his hand from Gerard's mouth.

Gerard gulped, his eyes growing wide, "Please, Frank, please, don't do th-"

Frank turned towards me with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Well, why would I make an exception just for her? And this will teach you to follow our rule." Frank's smile grew a the last part.

I somehow gathered the courage to speak, and looked up at Gerard, searching his eyes for answers, but only finding regret. "What's going on?" I asked anyone who would be willing to answer.

Gerard's eyes met mine and he looked truly sorry and hurt. Frank's sharp voice cut off Gerard and I's gaze.

"I'm going to kill you."
~~~Because I like to put cliffhangers and fuck with people's minds.~~~

Things Will Always Be The Same, Between The Hunter And The Prey. (Gerard Way)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon