Chapter 2: The Search Begins!

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Italy looked at England for a while, turning the question over in his head. Shopping didn’t sound devious at all. What can a little harmless shopping do?
“Of course! What would you like me to buy for you?” Italy beamed, completely forgetting about Germany’s precautions. England knew the foolish nation would agree if he worded it out properly.

“Oh, you’re not going to buy me anything. I just need a few things from you and your Axis friends.” The Englishman said almost casually.

Handing over a crumbled piece of scrap paper with something scribbled hastily on it, England told Italy to meet up with him at noon, sharp. If he arrives empty-handed, there will definitely be consequences. If he tells anyone their little secret, there will be hell to pay.

Italy nodded with a heavy heart. What does England want with these items? What was he going to do with them? He was scared, but there was nothing much he could do but find the items for England. Stuffing the paper in his pocket, he went straight to Germany’s house to start searching.

He slowly entered the house, as quietly as he could, looking around to see if anyone was home.
“Germany? I’m back!” Italy called out. No response.
He must’ve went out to do something, Italy thought to himself. Sheer luck. The more time he has to look around Germany’s place.

Italy took out the piece of paper that was supposed to be the list of things England needed.
“Something important to Germany?” He read aloud the first thing on the list.
What things could be important to Germany?

Italy thought hard. There were his dogs, his older brother, him, but most of all, there was something that was tugging at the back of his mind, but he couldn’t put a finger on it.
Then he remembered the other weekend when they had Prussia over and there was only one beer left in the fridge. It was chaos.

“It’s mein beer, Vest! I’m zhe oldest und zhe awesomest!” A drunk Prussia yelled, reaching desperately for the bottle in the opened fridge.
“Nein, bruder! You’ve had too much! Zhis is for your own good!” An equally drunk Germany roared back, grappling his older brother with all his might.
In the end Italy went out to get them another carton before the house was torn down. 

“Yes! Beer is an important thing to Germany!” Italy went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to find a fresh batch of beer, just waiting for someone to drink them.
He grabbed one of them and placed it in a basket that he was using to hold the items.
He took out the list again, eyeing the next item.

“Something important to Japan?” He read. Italy didn’t know much about his Japanese friend, he was too mysterious and kept to himself most times. Thinking back to the times he spent with the quiet nation, Italy tried to picture any items that Japan might have shown him.

Then it hit him. Cherry blossoms! He remembered Japan giving him a small tour of his house when he visited him. He remembered the zen garden he showed him, and in the very centre was a large cherry blossom tree.

“This sakura tree has been here for as rong as I can remember.” Japan would tell him.
“I took great care in nurturing it to grow this big, aren't the brossoms just beautifur?
“Si! They look so pretty! I really admire your garden, Japan!” He exclaimed, gazing up at the sweet-smelling tree, its petals raining down on both of them.

Upon approaching Japan’s house, he checked in and called out to see if anyone’s home, which to Italy relief, there wasn’t.
Italy crept around, making sure not to knock anything over or leave any signs of his presence. Japan didn’t like unexpected visitors, he told Italy it was rude and disrespectful in his country, and common sense as well.

Finally, he was in the Zen garden. The cherry blossom tree swayed gently side to side in the breeze as it stood proudly in the middle of the gravelled path. Carrying the basket with him, he tiptoed underneath the tree and carefully plucked a flower from a nearby branch.

It was such a small and delicate flower. The pale pink petals, the fragrant aroma, everything about it was beautiful just as Japan said.
Italy carefully placed the precious flora into the basket, alongside the cold beer bottle.

“Itary-kun?” The Italian nation jumped, absolutely scared to the bone.
He quickly turned around and saw Japan standing by the doorway, a plastic bag full of groceries in hand.
“What are you doing here?” The Asian nation questioned, clearly wanting a good answer for entering someone’s residence, uninvited.

Italy thought fast. He had to make an excuse to explain why he was standing in his garden with a basket, and clearly looking suspicious.
“Uh, I was just dropping by to say hi! Yeah, so, now that I’ve said hi, I’ll be going now. Ciao!” He ran past Japan, who wasn’t entirely convinced.

“Itary-kun, what is in that basket you are hording?” Japan asked warily, pointing at the hamper in Italy’s hands.
Think, think, think, Italy, think! He glanced down at the lone beer bottle and an excuse hit him.
“Oh! I was just out to get more beer for Germany. We ran out because Prussia drank too much again~ hehe.” Italy fibbed with a nervous laugh.

“Ah, Prussia-san is visiting again?” Japan asked, losing his uncertainty.
“Si, he is.” Italy flashed a reassuring smile.
“Werr, you shourd hurry back then. We both remember what happened rast time.” The raven-haired country shuddered at the memory.

“Haha, yeah. Thanks for the heads up, Japan! Ciao!” Italy farewelled his Japanese friend and raced out of his house, gripping the basket tightly, careful not to damage any of the items.
“Oh, what am I to do with him?” Japan sighed as he watched his cheery friend dash out of the door with a wave and a smile.

Hope you've enjoyed this one! It as very fun writing this chapter, so please tell me what you think of it. I'll update as soon as I can, see you later~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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