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Izuku Midoriya POV:

"So have you heard the news." I believe a girl says in the hallway "What news." She asked, "Will operantly Todoroki Shoto And Yaoyorozu Momo are going out." The girl notified her.

"WHAT!!!" I yelled grabbing their interest "Who are you?" They ask "Oh sorry I wasn't announcing that to you my bad hehe." I began striding away.


The first-period bell rings I hear people running down the halls struggling to prepare for the following lesson but to be truthful I'm not really up for it I'm perhaps not even up for hero training.

I sigh...will might as well go into the classroom "Here goes nothing." I open the classroom door "Midoriya you're late." Mr.Aizawa mumbles.

"Ya ya whatever." I take my seat "What's wrong with him." Kirishima asked, "I don't know dude, let's ask him later but anyway did you hear about the rumor." Kaminari asked "What Rumor?" Kirishima wondered.

"About Yaoyorozu And Todoroki dating its crazy right." Kaminari smirked, "Yea it is." Kirishima said, "Kirishima and Kaminari shut up." Mr.Aziwa declared "Now I hope that you all remembered your posters and that they are perpetrated or you are still operating on them it's expected tomorrow." He completes "ughhhh man." Someone mumbles "Shut up!" Mr.Aizawa said, "Ahem will anyway since the sports festival is in a month we expect you all to start combat training and without further a due please greet the instructor who will be teaching you today." All might smashed through the room "I AM HERE COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON."

"Oh wow It's him the actual thing in the flesh ALL MIGHT!!" The class yelled

"Yes affirmative save the overpraise for later, for now, it's time to join me outside for training...these are the hero costumes that you all designed before you all came into UA...now get ready to go beyond PLUSH ULTRA." He puts on a bright smile while pulling out a remote from his pockets and presses a red button the reviled our custom costumes as he walks out.

{Now their outside}

"Ok class today, will you already know what you're doing but not really today we will be working on training some of you will be villains and some heroes." He says

"But won't that destroy our object I thought we were supposed to lead the ways of a hero." Iida makes robot hands "Ya true but think of it this way Iida-Kun, where doing this to see what it would be like if we went against our classmates which is preparing us for real villain attacks." I state

"Exactly right now I will address the teams if you have a black ball you a villain if a white your a hero...now for the first team...

Hero's-Midoriya and Todoroki team A
Villains- Kirishima And bakugo
Team D."

"Awww ya bakubro you see that we're on a team-high five." Kirishima held up his hand but kachann turned it down "Tch." He said

"Ok now team A and D will head to the building team D will have a bomb to keep away from the hero's but if the hero's get the bomb before the timer runs out they win but if they fail or run out of time to revive the bomb the villain team wins we will be watching for the observer room NOW STUDENTS DON'T FORGET TO GO BEYOND YOUR LIMITS PLUS ULTRA."

{Now in the training building}

It felt kinda weird for me and Todoroki-kun working with each other considering that we didn't discuss at all, just hand signals I wanted to ask if the rumors where true but that was for another time for now we wa- I got cut off from my thoughts "GOT YOU NOW DEKU AND ICY HOT." Kachann set of a big explosion but not to big....me and Todoroki-Kun dogged it kinda I feel a burn mark on my hand but annoy it he comes at us with another explosion "Midoriya you go and retrieve the bomb." Todoroki says "Huh!" I gasp

"Go now I can handle bakugo." He tells me as he activates his ice quirk, I nod in response knowing that he's got this. I start running the opposite way I wonder why he never uses his fire side, "HUH GET BACK HERE SHITY DEKU." I hear kachann yell "Hey, hey keep your eyes on me." I hear Todoroki say, The building started to get colder I started to sprint to hurry to the Kirishima.

I made it to where the bomb was and look anywhere to see where Kirishima was hiding "Todoroki-kun come in Todoroki-kun." I say into my ear pice. "Yes midoriya." "Are you almost done I'm right near the bomb." I Ask "I'll be up in a minute also has Kirishima noticed you yet." He asked "No not at all I'll distract him long enough for you to come up here." I replied

"Ok sounds good." He hung up the earpiece "Will here goes nothing....one for all full calling."

{btw midoriya never had any trouble with the quirk all might gave him}

I can see Kirishima has noticed me now "Good job Midoriya I didn't even notice you were there." He charged at me but I dodged "Sharp huh...I LOVE IT." He fist pumped the air "Now let's get serious." He hardened his whole body while some spots where not we both charged at each other but before we could land a blow the alarm went off.

"What??? We're out of time I thought we had 5 minutes left." I looked down "No actually I got the bomb while you took care of Kirishima." Todoroki-kun's hand was now off the bomb and he started walking away I ran up to him to try to catch up "So dose this mean where friends?" I questioned he froze and gave me a death glare "I don't plan to make friends." He continued to walk away I'm just shocked at how cold he was to me.

"Don't worry man he'll warm up." Kirishima patted my shoulder and walked away

"Maybe the rumor is true because I haven't seen him act to Yaoyorozu like that at all." I walked out the building into the the observer room and I saw what I didn't want to see Yaoyorozu clinging to Todoroki-kun sticking her toung out at me, Todoroki-kun pushed her away and moved to a different seat.

"So are you too dating?" Someone asked, they looked at each other then the class and the answer terrified me I wanted to run away I wanted to die...

Want to know the answer find out next chapter biaaaaaa

And Suddenly You Were My Everything {A Tododeku Story} UNDER SOME EDITINGNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ