Till Death Tear Us Apart

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The noise echoed down the endless void that he was in...

In front of his eyes, Belenus had a dim blue glow in his eyes, reflected by the ceiling light. His lower face was covered in his own shadow. There was a glint of light in his lower face, revealing an unnaturally wide grin that was plastered on his face.

He angled the (familiar) knife to Tokoyami's neck and plunged.

He just witnessed his own death... and he had front row seats and hyper-realistic quality...

And it was in slow motion.

[Get ready]

The knife was slowly impaling Tokoyami's neck, its angle was through his neck and into his raven head.

The knife embedded itself into his skin, pushing down till it looked unnatural. The skin around the blade retracted back to its original position, but the knife remained in the same depth. It has successfully penetrated skin.

As it went in deeper and deeper, blood surrounded the knife, their entrance blocked by the foreign metal object, preventing them from gushing out.

Tokoyami's body did not move, did not flinch, did not make a sound. Without consciousness, it may as well be a dead body. That made it look much more unnatural and mortifying.

The blade went in deeper and deeper until the entire blade disappeared into Tokoyami's neck

"It can't be..."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Tokoyami! Close your eyes!"

Fair warning... But he couldn't react.

Belenus didn't stop there. Of course, he didn't.

Using his wrist, he twisted his knife so the sharp edge of the blade faced parallel to tokoyami's face; instead of perpendicular.

This caused more red liquid to squirt out of his neck, causing Tokoyami to flinch.

"F**k cutting him neatly, I want some action!" Belenus maniacally laughed.

It happened in a flash, one moment Belenus' knife was in his throat, another it was in the air.


What was once Tokoyami's face was now a disfigured mess. It made Tokoyami puke at the gore (try to at least). The main problem was the blood. It was everywhere, splashing around like an opened dam. It splurted out in an asymmetrical shape of the knife.

There were strands of muscles grabbing on to the knife, being pulled apart like cloth tearing. Several teeth floated midair as the upper and lower beaks separated from each other.

It did so much destruction to his face, the eyelids that was holding his eye ripped apart, revealing his eyeballs as if he was continuously shocked or surprised by something.

The second time the knife went down, Tokoyami had stopped looking. But he still heard the gruesomeness.


It was his eyeballs... Crushed by the knife.

He was done. So done. His soul vibrated vigorously like a phone ringing. His form shimmered in and out of sight.

Thank God he didn't have to experience that. He did not even want to visualise the scene, let alone get a 4D experience.



He screamed constantly, trying to drain out the disturbing sound. It was piercing, disturbing, and especially horrifying to Dark Shadow.

He tried to wrap around Tokoyami like he did in his original form but it did not work. It broke him, as much as Belenus broke Tokoyami.

It continued. The sounds continued. Tokoyami's screams continued as well.


It sounded more and more lunatic.

The sounds stopped. But he continued.

He had to do something... Quick.


He had to scream louder than Tokoyami did, easier than expected, considering Tokoyami rarely screamed.

Tokoyami stopped and covered his nonexistent ears... Which still wouldn't have worked in his real body. Dark shadow was screaming mentally.

Don't you go crazy on me Fumikage! You would've died either way. You have crystals in your heart, remember?

With a surge of emotions, he collected his thoughts and pushed all of his emotions aside to focus on a single goal.

Yeah thanks, Belenus... main target.

Yeah... You recovered quickly.

Tokoyami didn't respond. It didn't come as a surprise to him that he could control his emotions that well; he'd done that his entire life after all.

He looked back at what was once his body. Fortunately, they returned to just outlines instead of actual colours. Tokoyami's outline was fading away, the chunks of Tokoyami on the floor was puffing out one by one.

For some reason, due to their connection to Belenus, he was able to see his body in real life, very similar to what he'd seen in the portals. Now he had no connection to his real body, unable to return to the real world.

Belenus seemed to pass out on top of Tokoyami's chunks. He was glad to not see it in full colour.

He reached for the last crystal, planting it right on where Belenus' actual body would be. It warped the light around it, illogically turning smaller in size.

It would've produced wisps of light energy in real life but it just pulsated Tokoyami's soul, feeling it push and pull with extreme force. The repetition grew stronger in magnitude. One last powerful draw signifying its last seconds before exploding.

I love you Dark Shadow
I love you too, Tokoyami Fumik-

The tiny mass that was once a crystal glow brightly, and expanded in size. It simulated the big bang, or the birth of a star, expanding at universal speeds. Within nanoseconds, Tokoyami's vision became white.

He felt heat, then searing pain, then...

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