24. Epilogue

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13 years later

The late afternoon sunlight was piercing. It cast long shadows on the white sand, causing it to burn the bare feet of a red head.

"Dammit." Ginny Potter hissed, jumping up and down to get to the shore quicker. Her best friend, Hermione Malfoy, giggled into her palm. Her eldest daughter, Olivia, scowled. Her long blonde hair was swept into a chic bun at the nap of her neck, a few curly tendrils framing her face. Liv had grown into quite a beautiful sixteen year old girl. She was at Hogwarts as a Slytherin, much to her fathers glee.

"James, you put that crab down!" Ginny screamed, wagging her fist. Her mischievous eight year old dropped a flailing red crustacean into the sand, where it promptly crawled away. His little brother, seven year old Albus, was already seat under an umbrella with a thick book in his lap. His best friend, Hermione and Draco's second child Cassie, was next to him, also reading. Albus smiled at his mother.

"Where are Draco and Harry? Dammit, they have the cooler." Ginny barked. Hermione rolled her eyes and settled back into the chair she had just set up.

"Who's idea was it for us to go to the beach? It's scorching out!" Ginny continued to complain, but Hermione simply tuned her out. It had actually been Ginny's idea, after all. She knew that Ginny was just stressed. After playing twelve long seasons with the Holyhead Harpies, as their star Chaser, she had decided to retire her position of captain, to work for the Daily Prophet.

"Ginny, I can hear you yelling from the other side of the beach." Harry Potter reprimanded. On his shoulders was a giggling four year old, with fiery red hair and piercing brown eyes. Lily clapped.

"Higher daddy!" She squealed. Harry chuckled and lifted her up.

"Hello sweetheart." Draco smiled, kissing Hermione's cheek.

"Where's Marcus?" She asked quietly. Marcus, their own little five year old mischief maker, was waiting patiently for Lily, right next to Harry's leg. Hermione rolled her eyes and gently let her hands fall onto her nine month pregnant belly. Draco placed his hands atop her. He took in the sight before him.

Eleven years prior is someone would have told him that he would be married to Hermione Granger, with three kids and a fourth on the way, or on holiday with the Potters, Draco would have checked them into St. Mungos straight away. No questions would have been asked. But, as it was, that's what he was doing. Draco was head of Malfoy Enterprises, a potions company. Hermione was well on her way to being the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and the only reason she wasn't already there was because she wanted to earn the title.

"Marcus, stay near the shore." Hermione warned. He and Lily sprinted down to the sand.

"Oi, where's Olivia?" Draco pondered out loud. Hermione used her hand to block the rays of sun as she scanned the beach. About thirty yards away, she spotted her. Giggling, she whacked her husband and pointed.

"Bloody hell." Draco gasped. Down the beach, Olivia was talking to a boy. She had a piece of blonde hair wrapped around her finger and a hand on her hip. A boy with flipped black hair was nonchalantly flexing.

"Oh hush, she's a young lady." Hermione defended.

"Thank Merlin we don't have to worry about that for another ten years." Harry grinned, leaning back into the chair.

"Oh yeah, I don't know about that." Draco muffled his laugh in Hermione's hair. Little Marcus was chasing Lily, making kissing noises.

"But we're boyfriend and girlfwiend!" He screeched. Lily giggled and ducked.

"Oh boy." Ginny giggled. The adults settled into an quiet silence.

"We have an announcement." Harry said as they divvied up sandwiches for lunch.

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