14. Unexpected christmas

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Hermione stared at them. There was the familiar tug and pull of an old flame. But suddenly the blue eyes shifted; they were gray now. They were smoldering and shook Hermione out of her revive. Hermione was reminded of Draco, the love of her life. Not Ron, the boy who had been her best friend since childhood- the boy who wasn't the love of her life.

"I can't." Hermione whispered. A sad smile crept on Ron's face.

"I know." He whispered back. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. "You're still my best friend Mione."

"And you're still mine." Hermione replied, her voice clear and calm. She reached over and hugged him tightly.

"Come on, there's a Christmas dinner waiting for us." Ron said after a moment of silence. Hermione let out a loud snort.

"That's the Ron I know and love." She locked arms with him and they left, the door having been unlocked when they made up. The pair walked into the living room. A hush fell over everyone. Draco looked up, from his place next to Harry and Liv. Ron looked at him, before nodded. Hermione noticed relief fall over Harry and Ginny, causing her to smile.

"Alrighty then. Supper is about ready!" Molly said kindly. Hermione walked over to Draco, and Ron to Lavender.

"Hi sweetie. Were you good for Daddy?" Hermione asked Olivia. She nodded fervently.

"Oh yes! Unca Geowge showed me a twick!" She said, whispering at the end. Hermione looked up, at George Weasley. He smiled at her, and waved. Angelina Johnson, his girl friend, just shrugged.

The rest of the evening went uneventfully. They ate Molly's delicious food, before retiring to the living room. Hot chocolate, tea, and coffee were served along with cookies. Presents were dolled out.

"Oh, thank you Molly!" Hermione said, holding up the Weasley sweater. It was same as always, purple with a bright green H on the front. She got up and hugged her second mother. The rest of the night flew by, until the clock rang ten. Draco lifted up a sleeping Olivia. Hermione went around, hugging everyone. She invited Ron to join them for dinner tomorrow, but he was going to Lavenders. Harry informed her that they would be over around two.

Once they got home, Draco set Olivia down in her bed, after putting her in her pj's. She hugged her stuffed dragon to her chest. He retreated to the bedroom where Hermione lay in bed, reading a book. Her hair was piled on her head, the makeup washed off. She smiled at him.

"How did your talk with Weasley go?" Draco wondered as he pulled off his tie.

"Good." She replied cryptically. Hermione really wasn't in the mood to give him too much information, and she didn't feel the need too.

"That's...nice." Draco said, sliding under the comforter. Hermione clicked off the light and snuggled up against him. She reached up and pecked his lips.

"Merry Christmas Draco."

"Merry Christmas Mione." He whispered back.

"Presents! Presents! Mommy, daddy! Presents!" Olivia screamed, running into their bedroom. Hermione opened her eyes, just as the piercing sun hit them. She blinked rapidly and sat up. Olivia smiled at her with delight.

"Mommy, presents. Come on." She said seriously. Hermione stared at the three year old in pure amusement. Draco hadn't stirred.

"Livia, you have to wake up daddy." Hermione said, poking her boyfriend in the rips. He didn't budge. The young girl climbed up onto the bed and bounced up and down.

"DADDY!" Olivia screamed, tackling him. Hermione stood up, smiling to herself as she went to start breakfast. The Christmas tree in the corner glittered prettily, presents piled underneath. She turned on the tv, where a muggle movie was playing. Twenty Four Hours of A Christmas Story, her favorite. The American muggle movie was one she'd wanted her whole childhood.

"What's cooking?" Draco yawned, walking into the kitchen with Olivia on his hip. Hermione smiled.

"Chocolate chip pancakes!" She announced, setting the platter down on the kitchen table-okay, so she used magic. So?

"Mmm." Olivia mumbled through a mouthful. Hermione sipped a glass of milk and paid attention to the tv.

"Presents now Mommy?" Olivia begged.

"Alright sweetie, let's see what Santa Clause brought you this year!" Hermione flicked her wand and the presents flew over to the three. Olivia squealed in delight as she ripped the wrapping paper. An hour later, she had acquired an assortment of pranks, clothes, quidditch balls, and an assortment of toys. She was most pleased with a toy broom that Draco had re-wrapped. Time clicked by, leaving Hermione to cook while Draco got everything ready.

"Draco! My parents are about to arrive!" Hermione shrieked, looking at the clock. She had sent Harry along to collect them, at two. Their fireplace lit up with green flames, our fell Jane and Henry Granger coughing and spluttering. Harry appeared behind them.

"Hello Mione!" He shouted cheerfully. Hermione kissed his cheek and smiled. "It smells lovely in here."

"Mum! Dad!" Hermione greeted, hugging her parents tightly. They smiled at their daughter. Draco appeared in the doorway, Olivia in his arms.

"Hermione dear, Livia is hungry. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Granger!" He said politely. He stuck out his hand, offering it to the pair. Jane, ever the polite hostess, shook it kindly. Henry, however, did not. He turned to Hermione, who was giving cookies to Olivia.

"Hermione, isn't this the boy you wished dead a year ago?" He grunted. Draco's face turned pink and he looked down.

"Dad!" Hermione hissed, her hands going to her hips. Jane glared at her husband.

"Henry, now is not the time. It's Christmas!"

"I do not want my daughter with an evil boy!" Henry defended.

"Mr. Granger, if I may say so, Draco Malfoy has changed. Hermione is a brighter, better version of herself when she is with him." Harry said kindly. Hermione's heart swelled at his words.

"See Dad. Draco is a wonderful father too." She beamed. True to her words, Olivia curled up onto Draco's lap.

"I love you Daddy." She muttered. He smiled, kissing her forehead. Henry walked over to Draco and stuck out his hand.

"You'll understand in about ten years." He whispered. Draco smiled.

"Thank you sir." He said, genuinely happy. Just after that, there was a crack. Narcissa Malfoy stood in their living room. She looked anxious.

"Mother!" Draco said, smiling. She did her best to smile at him, but suddenly she burst into tears.

"Mrs. Malfoy!" Hermione gasped, rushing over to her. Narcissa had collapsed onto their couch, tears in her bright blue eyes.

"H-He's dead." She choked out. Fear ran down Hermione's spine.

"Who Mother?" Draco barked, his pale face stark white.

"Lucius." She uttered. Hermione's hand flew to her mouth in horror.

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