21. What you found

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That evening, Hermione was completely on edge. She sat by the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room with Harry and Ron, who were hastily copying her homework the they had forgotten to do. Usually she would have lectured them before reluctantly hinting the answers to them, but she was too nervous for that then. Hermione pulled her feet up and tucked them under her, her eyes not focusing properly on the text at hand. The familiar words from Hogwarts, A History blurred together as sleep clogged her vision. All the young witch wanted to do was fall fast asleep, preferably in the arms of Draco, but she had to stay awake to meet with Draco. She toyed with the idea of owling him and telling his that she would just talk to him before breakfast, but decided that would be redundant. She would be crabby in the morning, if she had to wake up early.

So, finally, most of the common room dispersed. Harry and Ron bid her a good night, thanking her up and down for her homework. She nodded and waved them off. It had been about ten thirty when they went up. Hermione looked around, before running up into her dorm room. Lavender and Parvati were fast asleep, as were her other two roommates. Silently, she slipped into a baggy Quidditch t-shirt that she had snatched from Harry over the summer at some point. It said Potter on the back with the number 1. Ginny had a similar one that she wore to all their games. Hermione merely wore hers for comfort at bed time. The clock read ten forty five, time for Hermione to leave. She slipped on a night time robe and a pair of comfortable socks. She gripped her wand tightly as she moved sneakily through the corridors of Hogwarts. Eerie shadows seemed to follow her as she made her way to the seventh floor. She came to the empty wall, five minutes past eleven o'clock.

I need to meet with Draco so we can talk, thought Hermione as she walked back and forth twice. A big, wooden door appeared. Hermione pushed her way inside. She blinked at what she saw. It was a cozy looking bedroom, complete with a crackling fireplace, king size bed, and couch. Draco was sitting on the couch, his back to her. Hermione felt the heat from the fireplace warm her immediately, so she shed her cloak. With a tentative step, she walked toward Draco. Silently, she sunk down beside him. Draco gathered her in her arms.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. She pressed her face into his hair.

"I know." She returned.

"We're going to get her back from them." He mumbled. Gently, he felt her nod against him.

"We will." She said fiercely, pulling away from him. She gripped the back of his neck with her hand, her blazing brown eyes searching to meet his own gray ones. Once they did, a silent thought passed between the two. Draco nodded. Suddenly, the heat from the fireplace seemed overwhelming to the pair. Their eyes met again, just before their lips. Passion seemed to spark like fireworks between them. Suddenly the kisses became more frantic and electric. Hermione moaned against his lips.

"I want you." She moaned. Draco nodded and was immediately on top of her. His shirt was the first thing removed, revealing his toned back muscles. Her delicate hands traced the lines on his back. He hoisted her up into her arms, eliciting a squeal. He carried her to the bed, where she lay.

The next morning, Hermione woke up to a loud snore from beside her. What she lacked in clothes, she made up for in sheets. The young witch jolted up, accidentally waking Draco next to her. The young blonde's hair was mussed up from their late night love.

"Merlin's beard." Hermione groaned, cracking her back. She was quite sore and had a few love bites...everywhere.

"What time is it?" Draco yawned. Hermione reached onto the nightstand beside the bed and looked.

"Crap!" She shrieked, jumping out of the bed and onto the floor, a sheet wrapped haphazardly around her chest. "It's five til eight."

Draco's eyes bulged as he threw Hermione's shirt at her. Class began in fifteen minutes. "We really need to get you one that says Malfoy on the back. Slytherin green would suit you."

Hermione rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at him. She quickly threw her shirt on and a pair of socks. Draco was showing his t-shirt in his pants. He reached over and kissed her lips, before grabbing Hermione's hands and leading her out of the door. Students were walking throughout the corridors, going to their classes. They cast both Hermione and Draco dirty glances at their clearly disheveled couple. Hermione parted with Draco as she entered Gryffindor tower.

"Hermione, where the bloody hell have you been?" Harry said, running over to his friend. Ron and Ginny followed him, both looking quite alarmed.

"U-Uh..." Hermione stammered. "With Draco."

"Of course you were." Ron rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. Hermione held her temper, and moved past them.

"Discuss it later, we over slept. Tell McGonagall I was having stomach cramps or something." Hermione rushed, just before sprinting up the Gryffindor common room. She threw open her trunk and hastily pulled on a skirt and blouse, with socks. Usually she wore tights but it was warm enough out that she didn't need them. Hermione decided to just pile a messy bun on the top of her head, knotting it with a hair tie. She grabbed her robe and bag, a mere five minutes later. She hurriedly brushed her teeth and spritzed perfume over her body. With those final touches, Hermione was out the portrait hole and sprinting down the corridor to the transfiguration classroom. Three minutes later, a record time, Hermione entered panting and huffing.

"Ah, Miss Granger. Feeling better?" McGonagall asked, peering over her spectacles. Hermione straightened her back and nodded.

"Much. I apologize for my tardiness." Hermione said, before sliding into her seat beside Neville. Draco was already in his seat. He shot her an amused looked, which she returned. Behind her, Ron and Harry made gagging noises.

"This is hopeless." Hermione shrieked, shutting yet another books closed and adding it to the pile of rejects with a resounding thud. Draco looked up from his book and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand.

"Calm down, no it's not. We just need to keep our eyes peeled." He said soothingly. Hermione mustered up all of her remaining energy to lift up the final volume. She lay it on library table and opened to the first chapter. The words blurred together as sleep clouded her eyes. Quickly, she cast a glance at the large clock mounted on the wall. It read two am. Hermione groaned. As head girl, she had been allowed special library privileges under McGonagall's strict orders, of course. Madam Pince was not too pleased by the two students showing her the note. She watched them with hawk like eyes, until the clock struck midnight. It was then the witch gave up and went into her chamber. That had been a while before, about five whole books time.

"Have you found anything?" Draco murmured after ten minutes of silent reading. Hermione shook her head, but continued on. She flipped too a new chapter and gasped.

"I found something." She whispered, looking up.

Draco looked into her eyes. They were fearful. He bit his lip.

"What did you find?"

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