Her smile grows at the question, as she stands up. She takes a few steps away from Felix, allowing him to have a full view of her before speaking.

"You don't recognize me?" She questions and Felix can only assume it is a joke because he is positive he has never seen her in his life before, "Oh dear brother, I'm hurt."

Brother?! Felix jaw drops, looking up at the woman, who is apparently his sister. He knows his parents kept a lot from him, which in their defense was necessary to keep him away from this world, so he doesn't blame them. However, Felix always thought he was an only child, convinced. How could they not tell him that he has a sister?

"You--you're my s-sister?" He is still trying to wrap the information around his head and it is incredibly hard to grasp. Every time he reaches for it, wanting to examine it and then accept it, it runs away laughing and teasing him. His brain is really making him work.

The devilish grin on her face grows as she lets out a low chuckle. It is scary how she can look playful, yet menacing at the same time. Felix doesn't understand why she had to kidnap him to tell him this. Maybe she thought he would have a hard time believing her and run, that definitely sounds like something he would do. She probably wanted to make sure that they were in a place that Felix would listen to her and--

"God no," she answers, "Could you imagine you and me, siblings."

Felix isn't sure whether he should be offended by the disgusted look on her face, but right now, he is too confused to care.

"Wait, what?"

"I was messing with you." She laughs, "It was worth it, the look on your face was flawless."

Felix has no clue what he is supposed to say. Five seconds ago, he thought this maniac was related to him, but it was all a trick.

"Oh sweetie, don't look so sad," she speaks, moving back over to Felix, "to be honest, you being in my family would be impossible, you're too weak. But look on the bright side; you wouldn't be here if you were completely useless."

How exactly is that the bright side? Felix wants to ask, but the remark would probably not go over well with her, so he chooses to keep quiet.

"We are a little ahead of schedule," she states, pacing around the room, "I wasn't expecting to have you so early, but that's alright more time for us to bond!"

Felix is having a real hard time listening to her speak. Everything she says is supposed to be menacing, but she says it in such a cheerful way that it makes her seem psychotic. The worst thing is, she needs him for something and Felix is afraid to know what that is.

"I can tell you are confused but don't worry, I will explain everything!" She smiles, waving her hand around as a purple glow spring from her palm. A chair suddenly appears from thin air, landing on the ground next to her, which she swiftly moves to take a seat upon.

"It's simple really, I'm picking up where my father left off," she states, "everything that brought you here was because of me."

"So my friends being in the forest that night?" Felix questions.

"They wouldn't have gotten the idea unless I helped them, and of course I had to word my little letter so they'd remember to bring you. You don't have very nice friends; they only brought you to scare you."

Felix knows he doesn't have nice friends, he isn't that oblivious.

"Bambam and Yugyeom?"

"Were only there because I gave them the idea, and knowing Bambam, he wouldn't be able to just leave you. He'd be too riddled with guilt if he did."

"Chan being mean to me?"

"I needed something to give you the push to want to run from there, plus Chan's personality was perfect for the job, I just had to put a small spell on him to make him a bit more aggressive about it. Honestly, if I didn't he probably would have grown to accept you, and we couldn't have that," she explains.

"The book I found in my room?"

"You needed to know where to go when you ran away."

Everything is making so much sense; how all of these events line up and the thoughts and feeling Felix were having about the school. All of it apart of one elaborate plan.

Wait does that mean?

"Even Changbin and Hyunjin..." Felix trails off, a pang in his chest as he thinks about how they were only being nice to him because of this woman.

"Oh them? No." Felix's head shoots up at her answer, "I never expected someone to actually be nice to you, let alone two people. I was afraid they would mess up my plan by convincing you to stay. Those lovesick fools were pulling you in, but luckily Chan was my perfect puppet to intervene."

"So they actually like me?" Felix can feel his heartbeat quicken at the thought.

"Yes," she groans, "they were tripping over themselves to get you to notice them, how could you not see that? It was painful to watch. At least they have eyes for each other as well and probably won't miss you, so I can go ahead and continue my plan."

"Your plan?" Felix asks. He tries to ignore the pang of hurt in his chest at her words, right now, he shouldn't be thinking about whether someone liked him or not, he should be thinking about how he is going to get out of here alive.

"Yes, my father originated it and he was so close but had a few hiccups along the way, but I managed to solve those. My father was a smart man, he really was but he didn't realize how much was too much. What he needed to be able to survive with all that power was a vessel, a weak uncontrolled body of power that could take on the rotting for you. That is where you come in, you are my vessel, I'm going to harness so much power while you slowly die, since there are two of us, you won't die as soon as my father did, and in the time that I'm taking over the two worlds, I'll be able to prep my next vessel before you perish."

Lovely, I was brought to this world to die a slow painful death. Exactly what I wanted.

How is one supposed to respond to that? Felix can't exactly jump up and agree to what she saying, well, he could but he doesn't want to. When he said he wanted to get out of here, this isn't exactly what he had in mind.

"I am so excited to go through with this. But I must not get ahead of myself," she says, getting up out of the seat, the object immediately disappearing, "there is still so much to do and I have to make sure everything is falling into place, soon you and I will be out there, taking over what is rightfully mine. No one will be able to stop me, not with all the power I will possess."

Felix wishes he could do something, but the woman is right, he is too weak. There is nothing he can do that will stop her, maybe nothing anyone can do. Felix's only wish right now is that he wants to be able to warn everyone, let them know that a storm is coming.

"Soon Felix, everyone is going to know that my father didn't die for nothing, that Irzis didn't leave nothing behind. His daughter, Azalea, will soon be the most feared name in both worlds!" She laughs devilishly, picking up her cloak and exiting the room, leaving Felix to sit with the horrid news he was just given.


Word Count: 2,080
-I've been writing a lot, so I have a lot of chapters for this ready.
-Thank you so much for the support, it means so much to me!

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