"What..?" I question, turning back towards her direction. "I knew you had been seeing her again but, I didn't say anything because I thought you wouldn't actually break my heart."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

She laughs and wipes away her tears. "This is all your fault Lachlan! You ruined my life!"

"I- I don't understand." I swallow the lump that was in my throat, I really need a drink.

"Do I need to spell it out for you!?" She snaps, throwing her left hand in the air. "It is your fault! Everything is your fault! Madi is dead because of you!"

A tear trickles down my cheek. "No.. D- Don't say that!" I felt my cheeks get hot, my throat burned and, I balled my hands into fists.

Just in time Preston walks inside the house, curing my anger that was about to explode. He just stares at the two of us, scratching the back of his head. "Alright, lets go! Lets have a good time!"

I just stare back but, Natalie follows him. Maybe he was just that good. Once I finally join them we go to the closest gas station and buy three cases of Budweiser beer. Then we go to my house and turn up the radio, full blast, and start cracking open the beers.

First it just started with dull conversation with one beer.

After everyone had downed their second beer the dull conversation turned into awkward laughter.

By the third beer we had invited a lot of old high school friends over to have a nice time.

Once the fourth beer was downed my head started to ache and, Preston danced with Natalie.

By the time I drank my fifth beer tons of old high school buddies showed up, starting to drink as well.

Then on my sixth beer I passed out, A part of me was tired but a part of me wanted to keep consciousness.

(Preston's Pov)


About three hours passed and I just finished my second beer, suddenly feeling a burst of energy.

Natalie still has yet to leave my side, I'm pretty sure she just finished her first beer.

She stumbles into my arms. "Oh.. Sorry.."

"Are you okay?" I ask her, pulling her up to we feet. "I am so good-" She stops, seeming to loose her train of thought. She turns to face me and plays with the hem of my shirt. "-I feel so attracted to you."

I had to admit, I felt strongly attracted to her. I knew I wanted her.

"Kiss me Preston." She whispers, wrapping her arms around my neck and, resting her head on my chest. "I- I can't."

"Please-" She pleads. "-Kiss me Preston." Her eyes look so sad and her voice sounds so sincere. I press my lips against hers, not thinking better of it.

The attraction grew stronger once she kissed back, passionately. I pinned her against the wall, kissing and biting on her neck. She squeezed my shirt when I had found her so called "sweet spot."

"Preston." She says my name breathlessly. I move back up to her lips, pressing against her even more. I pull her up in my arms, squeezing her thighs as I kiss her.

I struggle to get upstairs. I go up three steps then take a break then another three than to a open room, which happens to be Lachlan's room. I lay her on the bed, removing my shirt before joining her. She removed hers as well and I struggled to unbuckle her bra while we kissed. The way she kissed me, I knew she was aware of what she was doing.

"Are you drunk?" I ask her, pulling back from the kiss. "No.. Are you?" I shake my head and she smiles, pulling me back to her lips.

I feel a tug on my bottom half and realize she is unbuckling my belt. "Oh god.. Why are we doing this?"

She sighs, I can feel her breath on my neck. "I don't know."

I finally unbuckle her bra and throw it to the ground. I never thought that I would be having sex with one of my best friends. Especially when the best friend is Lachlan's ex girlfriend. I am basically breaking the rules of the guy code. If that is a thing.

I could tell just by kissing her that she was dying inside. Sadness was consuming her and she needed someone. Maybe that someone was me.

I pull back and, press my forehead against her. "Are you okay?" She looks down at my bare chest and shakes her head. "No, not really."

I bring he closer, wrapping my arms around her tightly. I bring my lips to her cheek and place a soft kiss there.

"I shouldn't be feeling this way." Natalie says, intertwining our fingers. "I know but, I like it." I kiss her hand. "Me too.."

She kisses me softly, pressing her bare breast against my bare chest. "Lachlan keeps his condoms in a draw in the bathroom."

"O-okay." I scoot out of the bed, falling onto the floor when I scoot too far. I walk to his bathroom and search through his drawers for a condom. The last drawer a check has a box of condoms inside, only two left remaining. I take one and bolt out of the bathroom, coming face to face with Lachlan.

"Oh hey! Bro.." I say awkwardly. "Hey!" His eyes fall on the condom. "Man you be getting laid!? Nice job Preston! Do you have any idea where Natalie is?"

I scratch the back of my head, looking in all directions besides his face. "I haven't seen her."

"Okay man! Have fun!"

I watch as Lachlan stumbles down the stairs before I go back to the bedroom.

I found myself breathless once I get a full body view of half naked Natalie, waiting patiently on the bed.

"Enjoying what you see Preston?" She asks, twirling a stand of her hair around her index finger. "Yeah- I mean no- oh lord." I felt guilty for staring at Lachlan's ex girlfriend in a sexual way but, I honestly couldn't stop myself. As I walk slowly to Lachlan's bed I start thinking about Sara but, the thought quickly vanishes because

I want Natalie.

At that moment I was filled with adrenalin. Natalie pulled me to her lips, pure passion was followed soon after. She pulls me on top of her then starts to tug more on my pants. I distract her by kissing her neck making her moan. She whispers a quiet, "More."

Right when my lips meet hers again, the door opens quickly, slamming against the wall and, a not to happy Lachlan stands in the doorway.

All I remember is getting my ass beat by a very drunk Lachlan.

(Authors Notes)

Honestly, I have no clue what I just written. Wtf is wrong with me xD

Lately I have been writing a book that has no romance in it whatsoever! I REALLY needed to write romance so... This happened.

I almost just written my first smut...

I need Jesus.

Sincerely - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now