I searched the cabinets on the far side of the room and smiled when I found a stack of napkins and some unopened bottles of water. I gently wet the napkins and started to dab at my shirt, chucking the beer can into the garbage.

The napkins and water weren't doing much, but it looked a lot better than it did before. And with the house so dark, no one would really notice the stain. It still made me angry since I just bought it, but I could always look up some hacks to get out beer stains when I got home.

I threw away my mess and took a deep breath, settling down in one of the luxury recliners. It felt nice to just be alone for a while when the door opened and some red-haired kid stumbled in.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry dude," he apologized after seeing me, yet still walked inside, snickering as he pulled some blonde chick in with him.

"I'll just— yeah," I murmured, taking that as my cue to leave and got to my feet. I left abruptly and shut the door behind me, shuddering as I heard the girl squeal out the name Brian.


So this was not my cup of tea, and that was okay, but I still wanted to enjoy myself. Set on finding Monica, I went into the crowd one more time. I knew I'd have more fun if I was with her, and she would really help me loosen up.

As usual, stuck in my own mind, I didn't notice the group of people gathered ahead of me.

"Um, excuse us."

My gaze flicked to a girl with black hair and hazel eyes. She seemed annoyed and I realized that I had interrupted whatever they were doing by pushing my way into their circle.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, I guess," I nervously chuckled and tried to exit what I had entered, but the two guys behind me wouldn't budge.

"Actually, since you just entered without asking, you have to play now," the black-haired girl inquired.

My heart started to pound rapidly. They want me to play with them? Why can't they just let me go?

"Play what?" I stared at her.

"Seven minutes in heaven," she stated like it was the obvious.

"Come on Sierra, she doesn't want to play. You're making her uncomfortable," I flicked my eyes to the boy who had just spoken up and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.


Sierra glowered at him and pursed her lips. She took a step towards Jamie and looked from him, to me, and back to him.

"Seems like you're sweet on her, Jamie. Why don't you take her to the closet?" She smirked, her hazel stare as cold as ice.

Jamie's cheeks flushed a deep red and his jaw tightened, signaling that he'd stay quiet.

"Now then, close your eyes and spin around with a finger pointed out. Whomever it lands on is who you'll go with," Sierra smiled, but it seemed forced.

Seeing as there was no way to get out of this, I listened and did as I was told. I closed my eyes, spun around, and stopped. When I opened them, my stomach churned. I could literally feel it doing flips.

There, my finger was pointed directly at Jamie. For the love of God I thought and clenched my teeth, Jamie avoiding my gaze.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Sierra lightly pushed me forward and Jamie opened up the circle, letting me out.

Maybe if I just started running I could disappear into the crowd and leave. Maybe he'd stop following me and go back to the circle. Maybe I could just pretend to throw up or duck into the crowd. Maybe—

blind-sidedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ