1. My Lost

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Tae has no idea why Tee came to the ravine, seems his face was serious enough to jump to the water, they don't have any problem in their relationship, everything went perfectly for this one year, Tee even dragged Tae to the places where he can take many good pictures, and here they are, above the ravine where the sound of the waterfall drown their voices. Tee turned to him and smiled, as if they aren't standing at the dangerous place.

"Phi Tae, come here," Tee called him by waving his fingers to him, Tae came closer, managed to pulled Tee to the safe place and bring him home as fast as he can.

"Stay there, don't move!" Tae screamed, tried to lose the sound of the water, Tee keeps smiling and started to hum softly to the wind, spread his arms and closed his eyes relaxingly. Tae didn't know how Tee reached the spot, because he had many difficulties in crossing the water, and Tee is still few meters in front of him.

"Phi Tae,  you'll join me, right?" Tee asked him when Tae crawled with all his effort to his place.

"Yes, I'll follow you everywhere, like what I promised," Tae can't think of another words, he doesn't know what to do now, there is no one he could ask for help, they are alone in the middle of the forest and above the high ravine. Tae finally reached Tee and grip his hand tightly, managed to drag him back, but Tee pulled him back to his embrace.

"I love you Tae Darvid," he whispered, "Let's go," Tee dragged him further to the edge of the waterfall.

"No, baby, we have to be back, it's dangerous, let's go home."

"It's beautiful," Tee tilted to him and pouted, like always, when Tae denied his request.

"Come on, we have to go home, we are wet, we'll catch a cold if we stay," Tae tried to pursue the beautiful guy, but Tee stayed there, prevent his weight on his spot, Tae sighed and hold the other to calm him, well, that's all he can do for now.

"Phi Tae will follow me right?" Tee replied with sob, his face drown to Tae's chest. The taller spread his sight to his surround and he can't find any good sign, if this is his time to die, he would accept it, at least he would die with his beloved one, but despite of his willingness to leave the world, he still want to do many other things, a great chef, marry Tee, travel around the world and build his beloved restaurant. With those thoughts, he pulled Tee as strong as he can, without hearing Tee's protest.

But he was slipped of the stone under the water and his body fell to the cold rush water below him along with Tee, before he realized the water flow brought them to the edge where the waterfall is await to bring their lives away, Tae holds Tee's hand, want to scream something to the other before he was drown and fall and ready to die. His hand holds the empty air instead of Tee's hand and what he can hear was just the water, which brought him away from the consciousness.


"Is he alive?"

"Yes, he's breathing."

"It's a miracle."

Tae heard voices, unclear enough to be heard and understood, he wanted to open his eyes, but they were too weight, none of his body could be moved, maybe he broke all of his bones, he waits and the same voice heard again.

"Bas, I think he would wake up in a few hours, I'll get some food for him."

"Okay, I'll keep him," another voice heard, Tae returned to his sleep, doesn't want to wake up.

"You're awake," a man bowed so close above his head, his red hair could be seen clearly, Tae blinked a few times and realized that he was on a bed in a small room which look like a clinic.

"I thought you were dead," the man examines him with more curious gaze.

"Tee-Ja-ru-ji," he whimpered with a weak voice and the man showed him a puzzle face, "My name is Bas, not Tee Jaruji," he answered cheerfully and Tae heard somebody else entered in.

"Bas, I told you to examine properly," the man spoke and the one named Bas gave Tae a smile before checking his condition once again.

"T-ee," Tae whispered again, he turned his head to the other side, hope that he would find another body lying next to his bed but he's the only patient here.

"Is that your name?" Bas asked him again, he glanced to the other man who is standing few steps from the bed.

"Bas, let him take a rest," the other stepped closer to Tae and touched his forehead.

Tae swallowed before let out another weak voice, "Tae, I am Tae," he told the man and collected his energy to ask, "Where is Tee?" he just want to know whether Tee was alright, but from what state he is right now, he must conclude that Tee wasn't even better, or the worst, the other might be already dead.

"Who is he?" the man asked softly, "You need rest, you broke your right arm and starving for few days, Bas will take food for you, my name is Copter, nice to see you awake Tae," the man offered a warm smile and helped Tae to the sit position so he could eat his food properly. Bas came again with the tray on his hand, he prepared the spoon and ready to feed Tae who still wandered around. Copter walked outside, left them in the room.

"I am his helper," Bas explained while feeding Tae who tried hard to chew the food, "He opened this place a year ago to help the village people, so they don't need to go to the city for medicine or treatment , very nice person."

Tae swallowed his food hardly, he glanced to his right arm which bend to a strange position, his muscles were hurt and he tried to remember what happened.

"So, we found you were floating in the water, I thought you were dead," Bas continued to feed him but Tae shook his head, "Where is Tee?" he asked again.

ARIE78: Hi guys, how are you guys ?Hope u all will stay healthy and cheerful everyday. Been keeping this for a while and now i can post it 😂. Sorry for the delay. Grammar and typo can't be help na. No proofread be done. Comment and vote as always be welcome 😉.

Lost by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now