5. Strategy

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"I'll find a job which doesn't need my both hands," Tae said, he saw Copter shook his head to him, but he didn't want to be stopped, they continued the breakfast in silent, Tae stood up first, he headed outside and try to call his sister, explained about the condition and the step he would take. Same as Copter and Bas, his sister insist him to delay his plan until he recovers.

"Tae, you'd better go home, let's talk about it, as you said, nong Tee didn't recognize you, how can it helps if you force yourself to him?" his sister's voice begged him to return home before he stepped any further for Tee, his only love in his life who was gone.

"If I wait until my hand recover, I'm afraid he would forget me more and more, there will be no chance to get him back," Tae tilted up to the sky, the rain is about to fall, he ended the conversation soon, inserted his phone to his pocket, just realize that Bas was behind him.

"I envy that Tee Jaruji." Bas came closer to him while inserting his hands to his pocket, joined Tae looked up to the cloudy morning. Tae looked at him and tried to form a smile on his lips, but all he can do was grinning.

"Thank you nong Bas, for your support," Tae patted the shorter on his shoulder with his left hand and got a weak smile as a reply.

"I still didn't agree with your idea to work there," Bas muttered to him, his face showed the doubt expression when he spoke, perhaps he really want Tae to cancel his silly plan, which Tae would never do.

"For now, this all I can do," Tae stepped to the veranda when the water started to fall, wetting the leaves of the flowers in front of Copter's clinic, it spread the cold air to them and to Tae's heart, wish he were already at the neighbor village, together with Tee.


"I am Tae Darvid Kreepolrerk, please take care of me." Tae bowed at the tomato farm where he was accepted to work, he already searched the information, helped by Bas who looked half-hearted but still help him to find that Beam is working here too. The owner seems so kind hearted and love his job very much, Tae begin his work, his first task is to classify the tomatoes based on its size, he found a man called Kim there, doing the same thing. The man recognized him, he glared at Tae sharply, focused on his right hand, Tae tried to move his hand normally, he forced Copter to remove the gips away, since he doesn't want to look weak and ridiculous during work. The doctor warned him fierce fully that it was still dangerous, but Tae ignored it, he said that if Copter denied to remove it, then he'll remove it by himself.

As the result, he must move it by force, he's afraid his hand would swelling by the end of the day, he wear the gloves which was just given awkwardly and as expected, he can't wear it on smoothly, but a pair of hands suddenly helped him to wear it, when he tilted up to see the owner, it was Beam.

"It looks easy, but very tiring as well, I hope you wouldn't be fatigue by the end of the day," Tee or Beam or whatever talked to him, Tae's eyes widen in surprise and a strange sadness attack him, he wants to hold back those hands, but Beam already pulled it away even before he tried to lay his hand to his. From the corner of his eyes, he can see that Kim paid attention to them.

Tae started to pick the tomatoes, separated them to the baskets based on their size, if it's not for Tee, Tae would never do this kind of farming job, but Tee is his priority right now, he glanced to Beam,  he is talking seriously with Kim, they look close for some reason, are they dating? Tae tried to listen to their conversation, but they speak in tiny voice, almost whisper that he can't hear at all. Once or twice he can see Kim throw a suspicious glare toward him. Tae ignored him, he winced when his bone protest him, Copter and Bas is right, he is stupid to force himself to this situation.


The first week passed, Tae has no progress in talking with Beam because Kim always around, he sat at the shadow of a tree that afternoon, get ready to enjoy his lunch, Bas came by yesterday to his place and brought him many kind of instant food, the doctor helper saw him with the non-stop worrying glance, told him to go home (to Copter's clinic) if he gets day off, Tae only nodded, in the corner of his head, he wants to use those time to talk with Beam if he can.

He brought the spoon to his mouth, today is sunny and the harvest time is over, he and the other workers including Beam would get the other task soon. This first week seems so slow and boring and his body felt hurt everywhere, all he did was waiting, he has no braveness to talk to Beam again, it only bring the sadness to him, as long as he can see Beam around him, work with high spirit, just like two months ago, when they were together for photographs, when he helped Tae prepared everything with the red cheeks because of sun heat. Tae drown to the memories, didn't realize there's someone approached him and sat next to him.

"Can I sit here?"

Tae awaken from his day dreaming, he blinked and saw Beam took a seat beside him, brought his own lunch, Tae thought that he must be too tired, that he imagined Beam sat next to him, but when he blinked again, Beam is still there, it's real.

"How's your hand?" he asked, his eyes focused to Tae's right hand.

"Not too bad," Tae answered as normal as he can, he looks around, make sure Kim is not there, or he would take Beam away from him like he always do.

"I remember you called me Tee Jaruji the other day we met, why?" Beam asked him all of sudden, Tae thought that he already forgot about it, Tae thinks few seconds to find a good answer, to make Tee or Beam understands or maybe bring his memory back to the surface, even just a little.

"Tee Jaruji is my most important person, I was too stupid for not knowing that he has a mental disease until one day he took me to a water fall for my photograph, while I was busy taking the pictures, he ran to the edge of the ravine and wanted to jump," Tae paused, took a deep breath and watched Tee's expression while he speaks, the other paid full attention on him, Tae continued, "I couldn't let him die, so I chased him, but instead of bringing him back to a safe spot, we fell to the deep ravine, I thought I were die, but I am still alive, unfortunately he was lost," Tae looked at Beam when he said those words, the other gave him a weird face, "I found him, but his memories about me were lost as well," Tae tried to touch Beam with his left hand, but the other jerked away when someone called him, the owner wanted him to come closer, so Beam stepped away from Tae before gave him any answer or respond.

ARIE78: Feeling more pressure to finish this ff. Need a boost for my energy to continue 😂😂. . . . Anyway 'dozo' for now ✌

Lost by ARIE78 (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora