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     The bright chirps of songbirds and the sunlight softly pouring through the curtains were what Y/N enjoyed about waking up in the mornings. However, once she became married to Michael Jackson, there was another thing she found to add to her list. That was the view of Michael's sleeping form. There was something pure and innocent about him when he slept. His features seemed much younger and it seemed as if the many troubles that constantly hounded him ceased to bother him. 

During sleep, he was at peace.

     At the present moment, Y/N was silently gazing upon Michael's resting form, fondness glowing in her eyes. She never thought it was possible but just seeing him like this made her love him even more.  A lazy smile ghosted upon her lips as she felt a yawn approaching. She had plenty of time to watch him rest in the future. But now, sleep was calling her name. With the angelic sight of Michael in mind, she went back to rest.

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