I exhaled knowing not to Go back and forth with him and with one last hug and kiss I was on my way to meet this Attorney Brown  in person.


"Hello, I'm Terry Hillards Daughter, my father should have called to schedule an appointment for me to see Nicholas Brown.

"Oh yes Ofcourse he called just a moment ago. If you'd like to have a seat He'll be with you shortly." The young assistant assured.

The comfortable leather cushioned chair welcomed me as I took a seat resting my feet in which it felt like I'd been on all day. For the first time I checked my phone to see no missed calls from Steph surprisingly.

"Ma'am." An Caucasian mark Wahlberg resembling man called from just a yard away grasping my attention.


"How are you, I'm Mr.Brown you must be Terry's daughter Madison."

I softly smiled, "I am, thank you so much for meeting with me on short notice."

"Oh it's no problem, right this way, dear. You know, your father's an outstanding man and attorney, any deed for him is a honor. Step into my office."

"Well thank you. I'm very thankful still. How's your morning going?"

"Besides a few conferences, pretty good. Now your father gave me a run down and I was able to look up a bit about your case. You're aware you have a date scheduled for next week Tuesday?"

"Tuesday?" I repeated brushing my hair behind my ear. How could I again have been so stupid to have forgotten. "Yes Tuesday I've just been so busy."

Attorney brown raises his eyebrow skeptically before cracking a grin. "You do understand the depth of this case?"

"Yes Ofcourse, Ive just been losing track of my days I've been dealing with this and another case."

"Yeah." He shuffled a few papers moving them to the side and placing his hands together landing eyes directly on me.

"Mr.Rick has hired a pretty high end attorney so if we're going to have a chance we're gonna have to get a head start. Luckily your father is sending me over some files in connection to your case, so that'll be great for me. However is there any other time you can meet with me say maybe tomorrow same time. I won't be as busy and can have time to look threw this case with a glass eye."

"Yes Ofcourse, I can be here."

"Perfect, another thing have you been going to counseling?"

"I haven't had the time."

"You may want to, it'll make your case stronger."

"I'll try."

"No trying, it's ordered. And the only way I'll work this case."

I internally sighed, nodding my head. "Yes, I'll start. Thank you again for meeting with me."

Exiting the office I didn't feel so great but I felt better than when I first arrived. Checking my phone again I noticed Steph had yet to contact me which was odd. I began to wonder if he was upset or just busy. After finding out I was lying yesterday I could tell he wasn't very happy with me. However I figured I'd make another stop to the psych I worked at to see if they would rehire me.

As I pulled into the parking lot I saw a car that Nearly knocked the breath out of me.
A white Mercedes with silver lining customized. The same one that my mother owned. Now just what in the hell would she be doing here and what would be the odds.

My instincts sent me rushing to the daycare and it felt like the run there was the longest I had ever experienced.

Nearly out of breath and heart racing, I laid eyes on the one person I was strongly beginning to dislike.

"Madison." She called out as if it was a pleasant surprise.

"What are you doing here mom?"

"Gosh you say that as if I shouldn't be. I came to visit you and found out you really no longer work here, so I thought since I drove all this way I'd see my grandchild. I love how they have the children's photos on the door makes it easier for a predator to find them." She hummed in sarcasm.

I folded my arms cutting my eyes in dismay. "Why are you really here?"

"I noticed your father deposit a hefty amount of money that we can't afford to be giving out into your account this morning and I came to make a truce and proposition."

"How'd you find out about that?"

"I get alerts Madi, nothing leaves the accounts without my knowledge. Ofcourse he wouldn't know that. However I didn't come to get it back. I'm short handed at the office and wanted to offer you a position there in exchange for that heft amount and then I'd start you on a salary worth your degree. I figure face it with that shooting following you it'll be hard to get a job anywhere else, so I'd do my do diligence as a mother and help you."

"Help me? Really, that sounds strange coming from you."

"Yeah well no matter what we've gone through you're still my only child and I don't want you to have to rely on a man. Besides I don't feel comfortable with you staying so far  away especially with a man and my grand babies. Would you like to come home?"

"Home? No thank you mother. That's hardly home with that demon staying next door. Listen I know you're trying to help mom, I do but I don't know how comfortable I feel working for you."

"It's business Madison. Not a mother daughter ship. You'll be treated as such and nothing less. Look the offer stands until tomorrow morning at 11pm I figure that'll give you time to get the kids settled in school and I'll pay for a child care closer for Allure by the job, you either show up or you don't . Just sleep on it. Now if you don't mind can I see my darling."

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