Part 26

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"Lately I've been seeing so much black and not much light."

Hana keeps on walking ahead, doesn’t care where her little legs are taking her to.

She is in too deep in her thoughts. Jimin's words keeps on playing inside her head like a broken radio. It feels like something is tugging her heart apart, no matter how bad she is treated by her own family she still loves them, and hearing someone talking shit about them drives her over the edge.

Moreover, she has never thought about Jungkook's money and she would never stay beside him just for the sake of his money, even though she is tied to him because of that.

When her legs are getting asleep she finally stops and when she looks up she doesn’t know where she currently is.

She cursesherself for being too sensitive which leads her to where she is now. She keeps on looking around trying to search for something she could find familiar but none. She spots a convenient store nearby and quickly walks inside it. She has no money with her and most importantly her phone.

When she gets inside , she couldn't help but gawking over the food section. Her stomach growls in hunger. She shakes her head and goes to the seat nearby the glass wall of the store. She is in despair, not wanting to think about it further she leans her forehead on the table trying to shook all the thoughts off her mind.

Until when she feels a pat on her shoulder making she flinches and sits up staright. She looks behind her and is shocked to see the person she is least expected to see around. The guy gives her a small smile and takes a seat next to her.

"Junghyun." she whispers out still shocked to see the man.

"Aren't you supposed to-"

He cuts her off, "Yeah, i know. I just miss mom and dad." he says weakly.

She nods at that. Of course he missed them. He spends most of his time being apart from them.

"What are you doing here?" He asks her.

Hana chews her lips and looks down. She doesn’t know what the exact answer. She just shrugs and shoots him a weak smile.

"What's that?" Junghyun mimicks her shrug and giggles out, making a genuine smile creep up on her face.

"I dont know, my legs brought me here." she sighs out.

The man nods and looks  into her eyes and he could see sadness in it. Even though Junghyun and the girl aren't that close but she likes Hana, not in that romantic way but he just enjoys her company. She is someone fun to be with.

"Did you perhaps fight with him?"

Hana looks at him, her brows rose in questioning.

"I mean, Jungkook. Did you guys have a fight? You look sad, I could tell." He says.

She smiles weakly at him.

"Oppa, I'm hungry." She pouts.

Junghyun laughs at her, he finds her cute when she does that.

"And what I'm going to say? No?" He says and stands up.

"Come on, let's feed your little baby in there." He says teasingly and pulls her up from her seat making a smile tainted on her lips.

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