"Chanyeol I need to ask you, has he ever touched you in public or shown affection at all towards you?"  I wait nervously for him to break down or shout but he doesn't he looks at me then back at his hands on the table.

"No he never liked to do any of that stuff, he would always make up for it behind closed doors though, he said he never wanted to make people around us feel uncomfortable"  I see a tear fall down his cheek and land on the table as he wipes his face with his sleeve. He seems to be a person who craves attention from the person he loves and that arsehole never gave him even a little bit of affection.

"Ok well tonight we are going to act out being boyfriends and you are going to relax with me too, touch my hand now and again I don't mind it's why I'm here remember" he looks up at me and smiles "You want me to touch you back?" he whispers making me laugh. "Of course I do, look touch me the way you wanted to with D.O and don't worry about anyone else" he slowly starts to smile again. "Ok I can do that" he relaxes more in the chair so I change the subject.

"So your a teacher, that must be fun?" I ask him as his mood shifts and he smiles from ear to ear. "I love it actually, the kids I teach are good kids they just need a good push, oh and there is a bit of a relationship starting with two of them I think which is so cute" he begins to laugh just talking about it.

"Why did you become a escort?"  he flips the question on me as I smile at him. "The money is good" I wink at him making him blush

"I just like being around people, I use to go to pub and clubs and it was my friend who actually got me into it, he did it one night when we were out and I couldn't believe how easy it was"

"What did he do, your friend"

"He would just go on dates with people just as company, listen to them, and sometimes sleep with them. You see some people just want someone to rant to and listen to them because their partner doesn't, mostly it's just for the company, or in your case a fake boyfriend" I laugh as he hides his face embrassed.

"Have you ever, you know slept with anyone you where hired for?"

"Yes I have, but just the once"  I watch as he looks surprised at me

"Your surprised I see" I wave the waitress over and order us some coffee to take away as I feel he has more questions to ask me and I'd rather it was somewhere more private.

Paying the bill we head outside with our takeaway cups and climb into the car.

"To answer your question I am surprised, I really thought you slept with more people then that" he clicks his belt on and settles himself in his seat with a look of a thousand more questions on his face.

"I don't sleep around, that's my friend's place not mine, I got into this for the money more then anything as I was drowning in debt, now I live how I want and drive what I want" I put my cup in the holder and start the car.

"Do you meet some weird people?"

"Yeah quite alot actually, a woman once paid me a thousand dollars just to kiss her in front of her husband in a pub  making him jealous" I begin to laugh remembering it. Turning I look at him smiling "why you smiling?" I look at him quickly before back at the road in front.

"I'd love to see you in action" he bursts out laughing.

"That's what I said to my friend Kai when he told me it was what he did as a living, I asked all the questions just like you are now, so I went out one night and he got 600 dollars for walking a woman from her car to the bar and sitting with her for an hour, that's all and he got 600 dollars for it " he looks at me with his mouth wide open in shock.

" Holy crap" he bursts out laughing "please can I see you in action when we leave here, I'm really intrigued" he looks all excited as I just nod "yeah sure" I wink at him as we continue to drive back to his parents house feeling happy that his mood has changed for the better.


I'm ready to go before checking myself one last time In the mirror. I decided on a white t-shirt with black jeans and a black leather jacket. Chanyeol on the other hand is finally ready after changing his outfit 6 times before settling on a black shirt and black tight jeans I picked out for him.

"Ok I'm ready" he walks out of the bathroom looking so damn hot I bite my lip.

"Good let's get going" I grab my wallet and phone as he stays behind while I reach the door.

"Come on you can do this" I hold open the door as he grabs his phone and follows me out.

"Remember boyfriends" I hold out my hand as he links his with mine.


❤️C ❤️

Next bit should be fun


Hired (Chanbaek)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora