Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: For Fame or To be Noticed

The high-spirit teen, in her rented trailer that's generously given by the rock. Nova sits in, watching a movie, not so high-spirit since hearing the conversation that was being spoken between Dwayne and the others. Not in the mood for food, although down moods cause her to eat. However, "The Mysterious Island", Nova can't get through it without laughing like many other exciting movies. Even though Nova was in a sad mood, she begins to get excited as one of her favorite scenes come close to its play. Taking a Ukelele that's in the corner and holds it, not really good at playing it and makes sure the television's settings are set with subtitles. Then... Mute!

"I see trees of green. Red roses too. I see them bloom for me and for you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." Nova sings with the little instrument, having fun. "I see giant bees and I could've told ya don't Alexander. He's older than Yoda. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." Then someone begins singing, causing Nova to turn and become silent. It was the Rock. "The island that we stand on. Well, its currently sinking. Sending those secret codes. What the heck were you drinking?" Nova smiles by the last line. Nudges her shoulder, signaling her to join back into the song. She joins back as they both sing the rest of the words while Nova plays her Ukelele in a good reckless way. "But its all in the past. We wipe the slate clean. We're going to find Nemo's Submarine. And you think to yourself, what a wonderful."

"Oh yay." He adds, causing laughing between him and Nova. "Watching movies, are we?" She nods. "Yeah. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island." Dwayne replies, complimenting her. "Not bad Nova, not bad at all." Nova smiles, but it is obvious that she's trying to hide the hurt. "Hey, I know something's wrong. Your high-spirit attitude dropped after filming for the day. What's up?" Nova explains that she overheard a negative conversation about how she's only an extra. "I'm only lucky to be here because they needed someone to do the part. I'm full of fear to have anything else greater." He sees what Nova's speaking of. "I see. My question is, are you here for fame or to be noticed?" Nova looks up at him. "Huh?"

"Well... some try to come just for the fame. For the money and all that, not understanding the meaning behind the acting job. Others come to be noticed, to show that they can be somebody. Show that they can make their dreams come true." Dwayne explains along with a few words before asking Nova again which is she after. "To be noticed, I suppose. It can't be the fame because I know there's more to acting than what some believe. Acting, its someone who makes someone in a movie real. As realistic as possible, making everyone believe that its real. That the story that's playing right before their eyes is real." He crosses his arms, a positive way as Nova adds. "So real that they feel heroic and inspirational. That's my reason to be here. For my chance to be heroic and inspirational to others. To be noticed..." Dwayne smiles. "Just keeping working hard. Hold strong to your reason and stay high-spirited on what you love. You'll get there. Don't ever doubt yourself."

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