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"Are you sure this is necessary,Alex?" asked Queen Matilde calmly,staring at her husband sitting across the table.Alexander wolfson, the King of Maradova, gently flipped the newspaper on his hand without giving any answer to his wife.

"Alex,I don't really think we need another partizan for Eleanor. She'll be fine on her own. Besides we already have Jamie."said Matilde as she looked through the partizan's data book.

Partizans are skilled assassins. They are trained since they were little in many subjects; from literature to martial arts,and they're assigned to serve to a important family member or a group.
Jamie volk is a 16 years old partizan with princess Eleanor as his master. He's been working as Eleanor's partizan since when Eleanor was a child.

Alexander lowered down his newspaper to look at his beautiful wife and lets out a sigh."Matilde dear,Elanor is a teenager now,and you should know what it means."

"What?what does it mean,Alex?"asked Matilde with her head tilted showing how confused she is.

Alexander got up from his seat and put the newspaper on the table.He walked to his wife and touched her left cheek gently with his palm. Matilde could feel the warmth in her husband's palm touching her cheeks.

"We need to announce her as the next heir to the Maravish throne,and I can't stand the way she act as a princess. She keeps running from her duties,skipping important meetings,avoiding formal events. That's not how a princess should act."

"And how exactly does hiring another partizan will help her to get closer becoming a proper princess?"

"By keeping an eye of her of course.That way she can't run from her responsibilities.This partizan is also a top 5 student in etiquette class.Eleanor should learn from her," Alexander paused and looked at his wife with a serious face,leaving her wife with no choice but to look directly to his eyes.
"and I promise you,the history would not repeat itself again."

After that,the king turned around,grabbed his newspaper,and continued with his reading.Matilde lets out a sigh and continued reading through the data book she was holding.
Name ............. : Elavinne Evort
Born ............... : December 18th,2002
Age ................. : 15 years old

gender ............. : female
Hair colour .... : cream
Eye colour ...... : cerulean blue

Occupation .... : partizan
Family ............. : unknown
Trainer ............ : Nikolai Olav

Achievements ..:
- number 1 student in shooting class
- top 3 student in literature
- top 5 student in etiquette class
- top 70 student in martial arts

"Such little information we know about her,are you sure we can trust this partizan girl,Alex?"

It's pretty rare to see the queen gets worried.She's always calm when facing sorts of situation.But when it came to her family,she's always extra careful with her decisions.

Alexander lowered his newspaper one more time and said to her wife
"Of course we can trust her,dear.She's one of Olav's student"

"Okay..If you trust her,then I will trust her too."said Matilde followed by a sigh of defeat.


"New partizan?"

"YES,JAMIE!! A NEW PARTIZAN!"yelled Ellie as she squeezed Jamie's shoulders tightly with both of her hands.Her voice echoed in her huge plain white bedroom.

Ellie started to walk left and right continously.
"Jamie,this is bad!What if this new partizan end my freedom?!What if I have to start living as a proper princess?!"

Ellie always hated being a princess.She could never understand how important her role is. She's been hiding in the shadows of her parents.
The good news is she hadn't been announced as the maravish princess to the public yet.So not many people know how Ellie really looks like.But the bad news is ,she gained a bad reputation. Due to her actions and behavior.

"To be honest,I don't really see the point in hiring a second partizan.I mean,you've never been in a danger situation before."said Jamie as he sat on Ellie's bed.

Ellie's head turned around facing Jamie with her eyes widened out of reliezeation.A smirk crept it's way to her face.

"Jamie?could it be...are you jealous?"

Jamie looked at Ellie's smirking face and rolls his eyes out of annoyance.

"As if...well if it's the King's and queen's decision,I guess I'm okay with it."

Ellie's smirking face turned back to her worried plus annoyed face.

"Ugh...still can't believe my mum and dad did this."

Jamie stood up and walked to the bedroom door."you complain to much."

"Tch..whatever.I'll hate my parents for this."

"When is this partizan going to arrive again?"asked Jamie,being halfway through the door.

"Tomorrow morning..."

"Alright then,I guess I'll be seeing you in a pink dress tomorrow."said Jamie with a smirk on his face as he close Ellie's bedroom door.

"NOT FUNNY,JAMIE !!" Ellie yelled,hoping her words reached to Jamie.

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