Taken For Granted||Chapter 2

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((A/N: The song is... semi-related? It's hard to find a good song, alright? Lol))

"What is this?" Jumin asked, shakily.

"Exactly what it says." Jaehee responded, starting to pack her belongings. "I'm quitting."

"Assistant Kang!" Jumin said, raising his voice.

She ignored him and kept packing. After she was finished, she handed her card to him and started out the door. Jumin followed her. Jaehee stopped. "Just leave me alone, Mr. Han." she said.

"What exactly do you plan on doing if you're quitting your job?" Jumin asked, challenging her.

Jaehee smiled. "Starting a bakery, far from here. Living a peaceful, simply life. Away from the RFA. After all, you have MC, don't you?"


Jaehee looked up at him. "What?" she asked, her eyes starting to get wet.

"MC can't replace you. There's nobody on earth as special as you are."

Jaehee narrowed her eyes. "Wow, I'm sure I believe that after years over you taking me for granted."

Jaehee started walking faster away, and Jumin was ready to cry. "Can I say one last thing?" he asked, desperate for any opportunity to talk to her.

She turned around, right in front of the door to exit the building. "I'll miss you, and-"

Jaehee has assumed he was done, and had left. Jumin took out a tissue to wipe away his flooding tears. He whispered to himself, "I love you."


Zen: Jaehee, you can't quit the RFA!

V: Please reconsider, Jaehee.

Jaehee: My decision is final. Besides, you have MC, don't you?

MC: But I could never replace you, Jaehee!

707: Jaehee, no matter what, nobody can replace you.  Just think about all of the parties you helped us host, how much you're worth to Jumin, and how much we all care about you.

Jaehee: Please, don't mention Mr. Han's name.

Yoosung: Jaehee!! Don't leave us, please!

Jumin Han: Jaehee...

Jaehee: What, Mr. Han? You've already said goodbye. Goodbye, everybody. I'm sorry.

V: Jaehee, please don't leave the RFA. I'm begging you.

Jaehee left the chatroom.


"Flight 32 to Florence Italy, boarding now."

Jaehee looked up from her phone. Her mascara formed a black smear under her eyes from crying. She got up with her back pack, opened it to get her plane ticket, and walked to the person collecting the tickets. As she got on the plane, she felt regret. Leaving everything behind to start a new life meant that she let go of the RFA for good, which had been a big part of her life. But she had to. There was no turning back. She looked out the window, and put in ear buds. She turned on her phone, but everything reminded her of what she was leaving behind. The flight attendant came. "Is there anything off the menu you'd like?"

Jaehee hesitated, knowing that what she wanted to do to herself wasn't good. "I'll take three shots of scotch whiskey."


Jumin was drunk. He had drank too much wine for his own good. Even so, all he could think about was Jaehee. "Please, don't mention Mr. Han's name."  Was he that much of a jerk? Maybe he deserved that. After all, all he ever did was push Jaehee away, over and over. He got up, but because he was too disorientated from both the wine and Jaehee, he passed out on the floor, leaving Elizabeth shrieking.


"She's not serious, is she?"

"I'm afraid it appears that she is."

"Can't you call her? I tried, but she didn't respond."

"I as well tried. Six times. She didn't answer to any of them."

"I hope this is all just a bad dream."

"Don't we all?"

"I'll call you back, V."

"Sleep well, Luciel."

Seven hung up the phone. "Just a bad dream." he mumbled, laying on the ground.


MC took her pen and stabbed herself with it. "Yep, this is reality." she said, cringing from the pain.

Why did Jaehee think that she could replace her? Was it something she did? Was it because she never told Jaehee how much she meant to the RFA? MC stabbed herself again because of the guilt. "Maybe I just should leave the RFA." she said quietly.

If all she did was cause others to doubt themselves, what was the point of staying? After thinking for awhile, she decided it would be best to leave instead of causing problems.


Jaehee got into her taxi, still hiccuping. She gave the driver the address to her new apartment and bakery, and off they were. "Goodbye." Jaehee said, to the RFA, her old life, and her old boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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