"I'm leaving now!!! Bye!!!", I yelled while leaving the house.

"BYE!!! WE'LL STILL LOVE YOU IF YOU FAIL!!! JUST DO YOUR BEST!!!", I heard from the house. I snickered at their craziness.

[Time Skip to Arena Battle Thingy cuz I'm lazy]

The written exam wasn't that hard. I had little problems with it. Now I'm at the arena they sent us to. I didn't meet up with Midoriya on the way here, but saw him in the front rows of the auditorium, as I sat at the back. He had an argument with someone else and also had Bakugo next to him. Feels bad man. Anyways, back to the now. The only I recognize in the group of people is Bakugo. I was unfortunately put in his group, but it's fine. As long as he doesn't get in my way.

"BASTARD!!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!?! DEKU WAS ENOUGH, BUT YOU!!! I'LL BURY YOU BOTH IN THE GROUND!!!", a voice screamed angrily. Guess who? Our favorite ticking time bomb, Bakugo.

"I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, Bakugo-san. I don't entirely enjoy your presence either.", I said back politely with a hint of malice.

"JUST DON'T GET IN MY WAY!!!", Bakugo yelled out.

"That's my line.", I responded back snarky.

"GGGGGOOOOOO!!!!" Was heard and I dashed toward the battleground. Bakugo and a few others went as well, some were still at the entrance. 'Should've put a barrier there. Deny them to enter. Unfortunate.', I thought maliciously. I activated my detectors and headed to the nearest group of robots. Once I saw the group of robots, I summoned a long blade. I short jumped my way there, slicing through every robot in the group. They were pretty weak, although this blade is pretty reinforced, so I guess it makes sense. I had no need to use anything else at the moment, they were all pretty weak. I went out to search for other robots, easily dispatching them.

After a while, the robots were decreasing and decreasing. They were being harder to detect and find. That was until I heard a rumble, that probably everyone else heard. My detectors detected something big was emerging, and from underneath. 'How'd I not detect that before? It's massive and shouldn't be that far into the ground. Did they make it undetectable? But I can detect it now. Whatever, I'll deal with that later.', I thought angrily. I short jumped to it, checking the ground for any casualties. I can stop it or at least stall it out, I have enough points to pass anyways.

"HELP!!!", a voice screamed. I instantly focused and tried to determine where they were. I looked around, hoping to find the distressed victim. I finally locked on to the person, they were near a building. A damaged one as well, and the walls were collapsing on themselves. Some were falling toward the person, I assume that they were injured or were frozen in fear. I acted instantly, short jumping closer then throwing a barrier seal above them. It stuck to the wall and activated. The rubble fell on the barrier and stayed in place. I continued short jumping toward them.

Once I got there, I their gender as female and quickly got her out of there. I long jumped to a safer destination, away from all the chaos. After setting her down, I assessed the situation.

"Are you hurt?", I asked.

"No, just a bit frightened.", she responded.

"Alright. Stay here if you want, I'll go back and stall the zero pointer out.", I said heading back to the robot. Short jumping my way back, I notice explosions going off at the zero pointer. 'Makes sense for him to already be attacking', I thought unsurprised.

"Anyone else around here, Bakugo!!!", I yelled at him. He noticed, but still focused on fighting the robot.

"NO ONE FROM UP HERE, EXTRA!!!", Bakugo screamed back. I could assume what that meant. No one else was here from what he could see from above.

"Alrighty then. I'll help out.", I said quietly, as to not infuriate Bakugo. I short jumped up the body of the zero pointer, searching for a weak spot. After a while of searching, I found a good enough spot and headed toward it.

"What're you doing here, extra!!! I got this!!!", Bakugo yelled at me.

"I'm helping you out and I'm not taking "no" as an answer, so suck it up and accept my help!!!", I yelled back. He just "tch-ed" at this and continued throwing explosions at the zero pointer. As I got to the spot, I got ready to release one of Bakugo's bigger explosions I stored. When the chance came, I released the explosion and hurt the zero pointer pretty badly. It started to malfunction and spasm. I jumped off and started diving in the air, waiting for the time to short jump to safety. Once I found my target, I short jumped to a safe location. Away from any robots in my area of detection.

"TTTTIIIIIMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!!!", was heard over the whole area. 'I did pretty well, so I'm not worried about this.', I thought relieved. I looked around and saw no one familiar, which would be Midoriya-kun. As I didn't see him, I just went off my merry way to my abode.

[Time Skip to When the Letters Come]

"(Y/N)!!!! Your U.A. letter is here!!!!", my mother screamed from downstairs. I got up and started my way toward her, going down the stairs and to the front door.

"Thanks mom. I'll tell you the results afterward.", I said monotonous. I started toward my room, not really caring about the letter. 'I'll get in anyways, my score shouldn't have been too low to not pass.', I thought apathetically.

I got in my room and went to my desk, opening the letter slowly. A disc flew out and landed on my desk, there was someone projected. I didn't really pay attention to what they were saying, until they announced my results.

"(Y/N), you tied for first with Bakugo. You got less villain points than him, but your accuracy and hero points evened it out. So, congrats. This is your hero academia.", the random person said. 'Guess I'm in', I thought unsurprised.

"Mom!!! I got in!!!", I say with a bit of excitement.

"That's great!!! Did Midoriya get in?", my mother excitedly said.

"I don't know, mom. I don't talk to him 24/7. He's been really busy lately, so we haven't had time to talk.", I responded.

"Ask him!!!!", my mother whined.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll ask later.", I responded blandly.

[Time Skip to Night]

(Y/N): Did you get in?

Midoriya: Sure did!!! Did you??

(Y/N): I did, don't worry.

Midoriya: Sorry. I've been so busy that we haven't talked to each other as much.

(Y/N): It's fine. I can understand.

We texted for a while longer, but we eventually said goodbye and went to sleep.

~Ari-Ari (≈ 1990 words)

I feel like this one isn't as good as the others and a bit rushed, but it's whatever. Hope you enjoyed and have a great day!!!

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