"Good. Can you drag her with you? I swear these girls had done enough to give me a headache for a lifetime. One married, and now the rest were officially in a relationship. Where do you find a kpop girl group like that?"

My lips parted at what he stated. And moreover, the fact that Yoongi was here in YG like it's the most natural thing in the world confuses me. Why is he here?

I felt him grab my hand before bowing to my boss.

"Sorry to bother you Sajangnim. We're going to leave,"

"Huh? Yah!"

I tried protesting but he was already dragging me outside.

What's happening?

We were already at the corrider when I saw Hanbin again. He was leaning on the wall as if he was really waiting for us.

"There are too many reporters outside. And news about you coming here spread like wildfire. One reporter was able to get your photo," he told Yoongi and I raised an eyebrow. Since when did they start talking casually? Scratch that, since when did they start going in speaking terms?

Hanbin's gaze then shifted to my direction before shaking his head. My hands tightened over Yoongi. Everything that's happening is too much I'm starting to feel really dizzy.

"Noona, you should have followed your manager and headed to your schedule. Now you've put Yoongi sunbae in a lot more trouble," he snickered and I scowled.

"Yah!" I exclaimed and he just started laughing.

Yoongi and him high-fived each other and I was never this confused my entire life.

How the hell was Yoongi acquainted with Hanbin? I never heard them about them talking or having any interaction.

"You guys can't even use the back entrance. Chanwoo said there are reporters there too," he added and I bit my lower lip. Did I make a mistake about coming here?

Did I make a bigger mess because of my rash decision?

I watch as Yoongi started typing on his phone.

"It's okay. We'll use the front. Thanks!" he smiled before turning his attention towards me.

"Yoongi..." I whispered. He doesn't look like he's mad or anything.

My heart melted when he smiled. He leaned a little and cupped my cheeks.

"Stop worrying Chu. I got you," he whispered before kissing the tip of my nose.

"Yah! There are cameras here. Go! It's like seeing my sister making out," Hanbin gagged and I almost gave him a finger but relaxed when I saw his happy expression. The guy was almost a brother to me.

"Thank you," I mouthed and the next thing I knew was Yoongi and I struggling to get passed the reporters outside. The guards made a barricade and the van which I was assuming from Yoongi's company was waiting right in front of us. He was covering me.

"How long have you've been dating?"

"Suga! Do your members know about your relationship from the beginning?"

"What are your next plans?"

"Kim Jisoo! What do you think about your fans' reaction? Now that all of Blackpink is in a relationship, your fans are organizing a boycott! Are you going to disband?!"

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