Chapter Thirteen.

Start from the beginning

"So how do your silly argument prove these shadows aren't related to Rogue?" Erza questions, her tone unnerving for majority of the guild.

"Well, me n'popsicle will get round to that. I wanted to use them, but squinty-eyes here was against it!" Natsu whines childishly. Everyone in the guild seems to sweat drop at Natsu's claim; excluding Lucy who let out an exasperated sigh.

"At least someone here has common sense."

"And then while we were running around town we got attacked by the said shadows you guys have been talking about recently. Somehow Pyro over here convinced me to put the stupid charms some sort of light emitted from the charms...And let's just say the shadows did not take that very well."

"Yeah it was like we fought them! Then suddenly fell to the ground like I punched them with an iron fist."

"...How does that prove that Rogue had nothing to do with it exactly?" Laxus questions.

"Laxus!" Freed reprimands.


"Because, the shadows could not withstand the power of the dragon charms. If it was of dragon origin, it wouldn't of affected it as much" Gray sighs.

"Oh my god, that just made sense; surprising considering you're an idiot" Gajeek snickers. Gray glares at him, jumping slightly feeling Natsu's arm around his waist.


Turning his head around, he found Natsu glaring profoundly at Gajeel. Raising an eyebrow slightly, Gray slowly released himself of Natsu's grasp causing a growl to erupt from the said dragon slayer's throat. Gray soon puts a comforting hand upon Natsu's shoulder. Shortly after, the hostility vanished from his expression, but remains of aggression still lingered upon his features. Looking into Natsu's eyes, Gray soon discovers an orange gleam within them; signifying his inner-dragon was taking over.

"Natsu, what's wrong?" Lucy questions, noticing the tense atmosphere around them.

"Oh my god it's not starting is it?" Gajeel groans.

"What is?" Erza questions, assertiveness laced within her tone.

"Dragon Mating Season" Levy squeaks, her face a very attentive hue of scarlet.

"AGAIN?" Lucy exclaims, startling many within the guild. Huffing, Lucy falls into Erza's lap. Causing a few snickers to emerge from those surrounding her.

"I guess so, but they're a lot less serve than the last ones" Rogue chimes in.

"Thank god."

"That's why I was going crazy about your scent this morning!" Sting exclaims, giving Rogue a side glance before giving him a small smile.

Rogue shakes his head at his mate's antics before chuckling.

"So this mating season, is what exactly?" Lucy questions.

"Oh! You're discussing Mating season?" Wendy asks curiously, popping up from underneath their table. Lucy let's out a small shriek, rumbling back and falling off the protective equip mages lap.

"Wendy!"  Carla scolds flying casually above Wendy's head. Cheila giggles softly, making Wendy release a small smile at her mate's newfound happiness.

"Sorry" Wendy apologies sheepishly. "I was really worried about my next season, so I've spent a while researching. And when I heard you guys, I thought I may be able to put some of my information to good use!"

"Okay kiddo. You worry too much. And sorry Ice-Boy. Happy now firebreath?"

"Very" Natsu grins. Gray rolls his eyes; but does not push the matter further; planning upon discussing it later on when the two were alone.

"Doesn't she just?" Carla asks in an assertive manner.

"Well, it's just where well...Dragons begin to court their mates" Wendy explains sheepishly.

"COURT?" Natsu yells. Everyone's eyes widen at shock at their information.

"S-So that means?"

"We'll be more protective of our mates, kinder in some cases and generally more open. Their might be gifts involved but it really depends on the slayers the extent of their courting. Some slayers will be really simple-minded about it. But some see it pretty much essential" Wendy explains. Gajeel bursts out laughing, causing both Natsu and Sting to glare in his direction.

"Oh my god, we're screwed" Lucy groans, getting up from where she previously fell noticing Erza was to busy, her facial expression consumed by shock.

However, Gray himself seemed to be as shocked at this new information. Although Natsu and himself were in a relationship. They never really indulged themselves within romantic activities to often. The concept doing something romantic scared him. Part of him was afraid to take it another step forward; for the fear of loosing Natsu was to great as silly as it sounds. Natsu, was absolutely terrified. The idea of the 'courting' itself wasn't his fear. But Gray's reaction to the said 'courting' that scared him to new lengths.

Both Laxus and Freed seem to freeze. Freed attempting to prevent himself from bursting with excitement. His inner fan-boy daring to escape at the idea of Laxus strengthening their relationship. In comparison to Laxus, who was submerged in a state of sheer panic. He had moments, where he knew he wasn't good enough for Freed. He couldn't even picture the extent his 'courting' would achieve.

Wendy giggles silently at the rare fear experienced by the dragon slayers. She knew, it was finally time the said dragon slayers took Mating season seriously.

After all, she and her mate had already discussed the said subject, and she couldn't be more excited.

"And when does this start exactly?" Erza questions, worry evident within her tone.



Word count: 1368 words.
Normal word count: 700 words.

Promise of a longer chapter completed! ^-^

Let me know what you guys think of this new concept:

•Do you like the idea of 'courting.'

•Do you agree with the characters reactions?

•What do you think is the cause of the shadows?

•Just how powerful do you think the charms are?

The Mates Charm. (Sequel of Dragon Mating Season...Reversed!)Where stories live. Discover now