Chapter Sixteen.

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This chapter is dedicated to YellowMeerkat

Whenever I get stuck writing Fraxus, I always go to their one-shot collection and read for a better idea of their relationship. Such as I did for this chapter. They always mirror the characters so well! 

Sorry for the long wait, but here is my Fraxus chapter. The way the next few chapters is going to work will be:

-Stingue chapter.

-Gratsu Chapter - 2

-Fraxus Chapter - 2

-Chendy Chapter - 2

-Stingue Chapter - 2

I hope you enjoy, I'll try to update more often.


Laxus sighed, as he made his way down the busy streets of Magnolia. The sounds of chattering and excited voices surrounded him and were soon absorbed by his ears as his passed various citizens; his foot landing precisely in a colossal puddle sprawled across the floor. Stray droplets of water immediately retreated from the sole of his foot, escaping to the concrete surrounding it.

'Why on earth is this so difficult.'

No matter how hard Laxus tried to prevent his brain from computing the thought, it was just too physically protruding; and the worst of it all was that he accepted the fact, accepted it's intruding presence and began to find solutions to rid himself of that concept. Laxus shook his head frustratedly, almost as if he was physically shaking off a trivial thought before halting to a stop by a small cafe. Completely ignorant to the oncoming army of water drops that pelted his coat and seemingly golden locks.

Laxus had always wholeheartedly respected Freed, and vice versa -Freed made his respect evident on a daily basis usually in playful and a fanboy-like matter.- So as soon as he was informed about courting, deflating thoughts began to swarm his mind like wasps. Poking at his usual cold facade. And Laxus did not appreciate that notion and as soon as he possibly could, he escaped the guild hall to the streets of Magnolia, which just so happened to be enduring an oncoming attack from remorseless rain.



Laxus was immediately snapped out of his trance-like stance upon hearing his name being yelled from further down the street. Quickly turning round, and managing to spot a flash of luminous green hair running towards him.

"Freed? What are you doing here?" Laxus questioned casually, despite the ferocity of his beating heart. Laxus quickly frowned upon seeing Freed's lubricant green locks engulfed my water.

"Did you follow me? Your hair is soaked."

Freed chuckles, shaking his head in a dismissive action; "and yours isn't? Oh, and so is your coat. You know, I've always wondered how it manages to be peak condition ninety percent of the time considering what you put it through."

Laxus, against his will, allowed a small unnoticeable smile to creep upon his lips.

"Have you seen your hair Freed? I keep picturing a deflated bouncy castle" Laxus mutters, before noticing the little protection Freed's thin cloak is offering him.

"Here" Laxus grumbles, quickly removing his coat and draping it over Freed's shoulders.

"Laxus, you need this as much as I do" Freed sighs.

"No matter, I have a solution!" Freed comments.

"Oh...And what would that be?" Laxus questions casually, raising an eyebrow lazily in question.

"An umbrella!" Freed announces, quickly removing the said object from its bindings before opening it accordingly.

"Although, I think you'll need to hold it. You're taller" Freed states hesitantly. His gaze quickly darting to the side nervously.

Laxus just shakes his head, allowing a small chuckle to escape his lips.

"You had an umbrella all along and you waited to open it until you got to me. How...Freed of you." Slowly grasping the umbrella, feeling Freed's grasp lighten slightly as he stumbled upon unsuspecting fingers Laxus, despite his usual cold facade gave him as warm of a look as he could muster. Taking the umbrella before lifting it up slightly.

Freed, gave Laxus a small grin; sensing the covered up words Laxus couldn;t force himself to say out loud.

'Thank you.'

"Want to stay at mine tonight?"

Laxus wanted with all his might to say no, to not allow himself to become absorbed with his dragon instincts; Freed was essentially inviting him into his nest. And any dragon who wished to court a mate would eagerly say yes. He swore to himself he couldn't, that Freed's protection was more important than his wishes.But with Freed standing there, a reassuring smile gracing his lips he found himself physically unable to do so.

"Alright, but you know what I'm going to be like right?"

"I believe so yes, now...Let's get home right away!" Freed exclaimed happily. Laxus's eyes widened momentarily at the drastic change before sighing.

'Here we go.'

Freed immediately began dragging Laxus down the cobble-stoned path. Laxus, barely being able to maintain his balance, quickly rushed to catch up (which is rare for the lightning dragon slayer).

'No matter how drastic or unpredictable he may be, I love him. I can do this, as for tomorrow; courting begins.'

Laxus nods, agreeing with his inner dialogue wholeheartedly, determination glazing over his unusually sharp features.

'I'll give you what you deserve.'


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