My mom's opinion of the songs

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I'm not original at all ,so I decided to steal someone's else idea :,)

In here I will write my mom's opinion about all the songs. Keep in mind that she is 40-year-old woman who listens to either dancing songs or Metallica's ballads. Also please don't hate on her ,everyone has different taste of music.


She didn't like it at all. She finds it too weird and kinda sleepy. Though she really liked his voice. 4/10


She didn't really like her voice. About the song ,well ,It didn't make her feel anything special. 5/10


She likes the Albanian entry more then Armenia and Portugal ,but she still finds it very sad ,especially with the fire in the video. She likes her voice. 6/10


Very playful song ,and she liked these kind of songs. She even danced to it :,D She also liked his voice 8/10


,,Wait ,this is a boy?!'' Yeah ,she was quite surpised that Bilal is boy ,she said that his voice was kinda girly ,even though she liked his voice. The song is really sympathetic ,she doesn't like that he dress up like a woman. 7/10


She doesn't like the opera parts and her voice...4/10 :((


She said that she heard a lot of songs like this one and her voice is really annoying for her. Aaand the song is nothing special. 3/10


She really liked his voice ,especially on the high notes. However the song wasn't something special for her 3/10


She really liked her soothing voice and she finds the song interesting. However it's nothing more than a 6/10 for her


It's not bad ,she likes it (I hate those short opinions but my mom wanted to finish as soon as possible) 7/10


She could feel that Joci is..well..gypsy because of his voice ,which she really likes. The song is good too 6/10


The high notes reminds her of Krasimir Avramov (Bulgaria 2009). The song is nothing special. 4/10


She likes his voice and the song itself. 8/10


The song doesn't give any good feeling. She is not a fan of her voice either ,maybe the high notes were good but the other is nope for her. I think Love Is Forever annoy her the most of all songs but I don't know ;D 2/10


',,This girl is going to fall alseep soon''. She  thinks that the song is something different than the other songs but she finds the song too sleepy for her 5/10


She really liked the song. Also ,she was really surprised when I told her that Tamta is 38 ,she though she was in her 20's :,D. 7/10

The Netherlands

She really liked his voice ,but again ,too sleepy for her. When I told her that Arcade is one of the fan favorites she was really surprised because it's like ''every ballad''


She finds her voice kinda specific but In good way. Really cool and interesting song ,she likes it. 8/10

San Marino

Playful and interesting song for such a small country. She doesn't like the ''Na Na Na'' parts and his voice. This is 5,5/10 

Czech Republic

She said he looks like one of her old colleague. She liked the song ,the only problem is that she found it for too repetitive . 6/10


Really good voice. It's too slow for her ,yes, but she also liked it very much. 7/10


''Why is he naked??''  She didn't like the verses but the chorus was better for her. 5/10 only because for the chorus


She doesn't feel anything special for the song. She didn't liked their voices either because they were too high,and my mom LOVES folklore music (she is folklore dancer). 4/10 ,maybe she is just used to the Bulgarian folklore music...

North Macedonia

She liked both of the song and her voice. Wow ,my mom liked a  ballad?! However ,it's nothing more than a 6/10


Playful and funny song ,she really liked it. 7/10


Here it comes. Her favorite of all times. She liked everything about 22 (exluding the video which is just walking for her) 10/10 


She liked all of the voices ,because they were very clean for teenagers. She is also a fan of the song 7/10


Playful and cool ,but nothing special 5/10


''Look at the kid ,she is going to Eurovision and you are here ,doing nothing'' Yeah ,thanks mom. Sympathetic ,good ,fresh (?) ,good voice but not worthy enough for more than 6/10


Playful ,nice but she can't give Chamaleon more than 5


The girl is sympathetic but she doesn't really like the song. 4/10


His voice is good but she doesn't really like the song. The chorus is better than the verses because it's more powerful and more energetic. 5/10


She liked her voice and the song itself. She liked it even month ago when i show her the recap. 7/10


She hated Matthías's voice because it's too rough for her. She doesn't like songs which are making her laden ,and Hatrid mun sigra is making her laden. She liked Klemens voice better. 4/10 because at least it's not a sleepy song.


She really liked their voices and this is ''just her type of songs?'' i don't know ,she is talking too fast agh-. 8/10


Even if it's slow ballad she really liked this one. His voice is really good for his age. 9/10 


She really liked his raspy voice. Even if it's slow ,she find herself liking the song. 6,5/10


She is cheering for Serbia this year because it's the closest country for her :D. She finds Nevena really beautiful ,with amazing voice. Even if it's ballad ,she gives it 8/10


It's a song she heard milion of times. She started talking about a group which maked similar kind of songs but I forgot about the name. 5/10


Good voice ,but the song is nothing really special. 6/10

Here it is. Byeee

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