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"I'll miss you, get good grades" my mom said in phone. I smiled a little. This was the fourth time she called to tell me that.

"I love you too, mom" I said. I hear my mom sniff on the phone.

"Did you bring your underwear?" My mom said. My cheeks turned bright red. Seriously, mom? I sighed. Maybe this was just Asian moms......

"Yeah, mom" I say as gently and soothing as possible.

"Alright, I'll see you on thanksgiving" my mom replies. She hangs up. I pray this was the last time she calls.

My name is Lucy, if you didn't know. I'm 19 years old going to college. I'm going to Iowa State University. I live in a Des Moines, a couple hours away from Ames, Iowa. My mom's friend Fatima, a tall woman from Turkey, who lives in Ames will drive me there because apparently I'm not "responsible" enough.

I enter the backseat of the car, I put my luggage on my lap and try to fit it in the seats next to me.

"Hey, Lucy" Fatima said with a thick Turkish accent. "So, what do you think about college?" I sigh. I knew I going to talk with her sooner or later.

"Good" I say simply. Fatima chuckles a bit.

"That's fine, beautiful" Fatima said. We drive down the road, then come to a red light. My luggage took up a big part of the backseat, so I was squished. Dear god.....

"So, Lucy" Fatima said. "You're going to ISU. Ames is such a wonderful place. I should know, living here for now nine years". The light turned green. I bit my lower lip. Fatima had short black hair. Her nose was paler then rest of her body. Her light brown eyes had a little gleam in it. She seemed so..foreign. Do I sound racist?

We drive to Ames in silence. Well, silence for the car, anyways. I was listening with my iPhone plugged in earplugs, the song "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea.

We finally arrived, and I was relieved. I could finally take my luggage off me!

I got out the car. We were in a park spot near the university. My mouth dropped. Wow.

It was large and modern, at the same time looked like it was built in the early 1900's. Note to self, later google the school and see if the date of when the school was built comes up.

Fatima helped me unload my luggage, which had a lot of things in it.

"What do you put in this?" Fatima chuckled after we put the luggage out.

"Clothes" I responded.

"Clothes?" Fatima said her eyebrow raised. I looked at my shoes.

"Also.......a laptop" I admitted. Fatima smiled. She said nothing else. I waved her a goodbye as I rolled my luggage down to administer desk. I was ready to be admitted to my room.

I entered the university, and a wave of Carmel scented perfume hit me. I realized, it was coming from someone. I ignored the scent and walk down to the administer's office.

When I opened the admin door, only to see a crammed room of people trying to do the same as me. Great.

I sit down on a chair as at least ten people are in the room.

"So, I heard Dylan's coming" a voice said. I turn to see a dark blond girl, probably in her twenties, talking to a Latina girl who looked a year older.

Apparently, the Carmel smell was coming from the Latina girl, looked exactly how she smelled. Warm brown eyes and smile formed on her face.

I kept quiet, not wanting to eavesdrop. Just kidding, I totally did.

"Seriously? Dylan's coming back?" The Latina girl said with eyes widened. The blonde girl nodded.

"Yep" the blonde girl said. "I bet his going to do the same thing he did last year. You wait".

"Why would they let him back, though?" The Latina girl asked. The dark blonde girl shrugged.

I got up when I realized they stopped talking.

The guy at the desk looked at me as I told him my name.

"Lucy Song?" He said. I nod. "What major?"

"Technology" I replied. After a couple of other questions, he handed me a key to my dorm and paper.

I was on 67A. Second floor.

I walked up two floors of obnoxious, loud people and finally managed to be at my room.

I walked in, expecting a roommate to be here, but nobody was here. There was just an occupied bed.

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