With your hand in mine

Start from the beginning

"I'd do anything for you," Harry said when Draco caught his eyes again and the genuineness of his voice left Draco to wonder whether Harry was an amazing actor, an even better liar or if his love pierced deeper than he had ever thought. Of course, he would have done anything for Harry but neither of them ever said such things out loud - they were friends and saying such things may lead to wrong interpretations of their feelings. Just as his mother and father approached something heavy fell on Draco's soul and he asked himself, his own mind, what the right interpretation really was.

"Draco, Harry," Narcissa greeted with an icy smile. "Didn't know your boyfriend could dance, Draco."

"I know this means so much to Draco," Harry said before Draco could even think to open his mouth. "What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I embarrassed him by not knowing how to dance?" Harry looked up at Draco then, squeezing his hand reassuringly. Draco's mother didn't respond with anything but a long, deadly look.

"Mr Potter, are you enjoying the evening? Have you managed to fit in?" Lucius Malfoy asked and while Draco's mind was running wild with analysing the undertone of his question and things he wanted to say, Harry smiled politely.

"It's a wonderful ball. I tend to enjoy these celebrations if the company is good and I must say, I'm having a great time, thank you."

"And how come your aunt and uncle haven't made an appearance tonight? haven't you invited them?", Narcissa chimed in again.

"I mentioned it to them but I don't think this is the kind of a crowd which they would enjoy," Harry shrugged and glanced at Draco again who was letting his eyes wander around the room, landing everywhere but on his parents.

"They didn't come and yet they let you come? They approve of you appearing on such important celebrations alone?" Lucius asked and this made Harry straighten. His aunt and uncle have always been a heavy topic and Harr didn't doubt that the Malfoys knew that very well.

"They don't approve of a lot of things I do but, Mr Malfoy, with all due respect, I am twenty-three now and I believe that I can very well tell which choices I want to make and which I don't without my family's help." As soon as he finished talking Lucius continued talking, bitter tone lacing all of his words.

"It seems like that attitude of yours has been brushing onto Draco as well."

"Then I believe he is under a good influence," Harry replied, his head up high. He didn't allow himself to cower before Narcissa Malfoy's gaze.

"You think so highly of yourself, don't you, Mr Potter?"

"There is no thinking highly of anything," Harry said, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "Some things are simply right and some are simply wrong. Each of us has the right to choose to act whichever way they see fit."

His voice rose louder than he wanted it to go and people were starting to turn their way now.

"So you believe you've made the right choice?", asked Mrs Malfoy. "When it comes to your... preference?"

"He didn't get to choose." Draco's voice was strained, slipping through the tiniest cracks in his forced smile. "It's not a choice one can make."

"Of course it is, my darling," Narcissa laughed then looking at his husband. Lucius was glaring at every person who dared to look their way.

"How can you see it's not at all the way you perceive it?" Draco asked then, stepping forward, into his mother's face despite Harry's attempts to stop him. He had Potter pulling on his arm but with one glance Harry let him go. Harry trusted him not to do anything foolish and Draco respected him for it now more than ever. "Who in their right mind -", Draco asked his mother, his father, the entire crowd that was watching the Malfoys. "- would choose to be hated by their own mother and father?"

Draco asked but no one answered. The room fell into silence and then a soft buzzing of whispering voices spread from the farthest part of the room towards the group of people that stayed glaring at each other. Minutes passed, and they appeared to be as long as hours with Lucius sneering and Hary and Narcissa shaking her head pitifully at her son. Draco rolled his eyes, took Harry's hand and moved away from his parents. He was turned towards the doors when his mother called: "Draco! Draco please, darling..."


"I just hope you can see that your father and I want only the best for you," she said, with a pleading look but Draco knew better than to believe her false sympathies. He turned, his anger rising and his face flushed - he was done being composed.

"No," he said sternly. "You only want what's best for you!"

"Draco, you're making a scene," his father glared at him but Draco only huffed.

"It's not a scene if it's true," he replied and with a pull on Harry's hand, he headed towards the door. The room was dead silent and their footsteps echoed throughout the crowd, with few of the people flinching each time their feet touched the ground.

When they were just a couple of steps to the door, Harry caught up with Draco and only then did the blond notice that Harry had been grinning at him ever since they left the Malfoys in stunned silence. Draco looked at him confused, in question but Harry just smiled sheepishly at him and shrugged and suddenly, Draco found an urge within himself to thank Harry for everything and anything he'd done for him, to hold his hand and keep him right next to him, to kiss him.

And in that moment and Harry chuckled, "What is it?" at Draco's dazed face and the entire crowd of people stared at them, Draco cupped Harry's face and without a second thought, he kissed him. He pressed his lips against Harry and Harry froze against him but after only a second or two, Harry gasped. His mouthed opened and he kissed back and right there in from of the door Draco realised that he loved him. That kissing Harry felt like the safest thing to do.

As his tongue touched Harry's lip, as Harry shivered in his embrace, sucking on Draco's lower lip, as they kissed on and on and on, Draco realised that this whole entire thing led to something entirely new blooming between them.
He pulled away and Harry was staring at him with wide eyes and shallow breaths. They were both flushed and panting and when Harry took his hand in his once more, Draco pressed a quick kiss to Harry's cheek which earned him a beautiful grin unlike any other.

He turned towards his parents' shocked face, so far away from them now and said, with such joy lacing his voice: "Goodbye mother. Goodbye father. Don't expect me home for Christmas."

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