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Chloe Everdeene ~ Next Morning

I woke up, thinking that something bad had happened, and it did. I got a freak text from Harry saying that he wants to break up. What the hell? He spent 1 year of his life trying to get me back, and then after two days, poof I'm nothing. Why would he want to break up, just why? I was almost in tears, Danielle was still sleeping and thank god for that, because I would have to come up with a lie on why I was crying looking down at my phone then it would all come down to truth in what happened. And NO ONE wants that. I just can't see why he would break up with me. It makes no sense to me ! But, I guess I just have to deal with it. And never speak to Harry or One Direction ever again, move in with Danielle and spend the rest of my life in the USA. Yeah, sounds like a good plan to me. I was taken out of my thoughts by Danielle waking up.

"Chloe?!" She asked full of concern.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"Chloe, what are you hiding ?! You can tell me anything." Danielle said. I trusted her, defiantly, but, since Harry broke up with me, there's nothing I'm hiding anymore. So, I was actually telling the truth.

"There is honestly, Danielle, nothing I'm hiding." I said.

"K." I couldn't tell in her voice if she believed me or not. Which she should. I'm her best friend ! Or at least I thought. I don't even know anymore. Maybe I should just go change my name, and go move to somewhere unaccounted for. That sounds better than my earlier plan.

Why am I stressing over this ? Harry does through girls faster than concert tickets. But, there is one thing that I just don't understand ! Why would he spend one year of his life, one year that he'll never get back, trying to get me back. That, is the one thing that doesn't make sense. I don't trust anyone anymore. Not even Mackenzie, that's pretty sad. When you lose all trust, in someone you trusted with your life, with all your secrets. There is nothing I can do, anymore.

"Chloe, I'm your best friend, and I hope I'm yours, which means you can tell me anything." Danielle comforted.

"There are a lot of things that I would kill to tell anyone. But, I've made promises that I won't break." I said wiggling my pinky finger.

"Now, I know I can trust you." Danielle smiled. We exchanged smiles, and then out of no where, I bursted out crying, Danielle comforted me in her arms, best friend way, and I couldn't hold back any crying. This is why I hate boys, also. They break your heart, and when your heart is stitched back, they want you back, and stitch by stitch they unfold your heart again. I'll never learn. I'm reconsidering my earlier plan, change my name, my everything and move.

"Chloe, it looks like you have been crying for hours ..." Danielle looked.

"Yeah ..." I said. I looked down at the text from Harry that made me die inside every time I looked at it. I lost it, I couldn't take it, I threw my phone. It was unnecessary but it relieved some anger. Now that I think about it, that was a rather stupid move. But, you can't go back to the pa- I can't even think of the past right now without passing out from dehydration. Harry- is all I can think about. Oh my god ! I am doing exactly what Harry wants me too do. He is tearing me apart piece by piece ! He has the satisfaction that I never wanted him to have.

"CHLOE!!" I heard in the faint distance. Who was that? Harry? Why would he be here, yelling my name at that.

"CHLOE!" I heard again, it was Harry. I opened my eyes, was this all a dream? YES! Yes it was ! Thank god ! None of this happened? That felt soo real, though.

"Oh thank god, Chloe your alive!" Harry said- was he crying. I am so confused. I looked around, was I in a hospital ? Yes, lol I was. I am like clueless.

"Harry, what happened." I asked.

"It's so good to hear your voice, babe." He said.

"Babe?" I said. So we are still dating.


"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"About three days." He mumbled.

"THREE DAYS?! JUST SLEEPING?!" I yelled rather loudly.

"Calm down, you just wouldn't wake up from your sleep, Danielle panicked and brought you here." Harry said.

"Oh okay, one other question, Danielle would never tell you that I was here, she knows that I did hate you, and Danielle wouldn't have told Liam because they broke up..." I drifted off.

"Danielle told Perrie, Perrie told Eleanor, Eleanor told Louis and Louis told me." He figured.

"Oh okay." I said.

"I had a very real dream-nightmare." I said.

"Would you care to tell me?" Harry sat down. I explained the whole- long story about my nightmare that lasted. He listened, and nodded sometimes.

"Why on Earth would I brake up with you when I tried one year to get you back?" Harry asked.

"I couldn't figure that out either." I said.

"I love you too much babe." Harry kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I said back. Then it happened, the thing I have been waiting for, the kiss. I smiled into the kiss, and also Louis had joined the room.

"D'aww!" Louis yelled.

"Louis!" Harry and I yelled.

"Are you two...?" Lou drifted.

"Yes," I whispered. Harry smiled at me. I think that was the right thing to do. All I know now, is that Harry and I are together for now, and ever in my opinion. The only way we could break up is if he broke up with me- and we all know how that ends.

"Let's go tell the doctor your awake and get you out of there." Harry smirked.

"Lou keep me company." I demanded.

"Okay love." Louis said.

"Soo, I'm your bestestest friend in the whole wide world and you didn't tell me about you two?" Lou said.

"First off-no. And we were waiting." I said calmly.

"I'll sit on you." Louis eyed.

"What?" I asked.

"I will sit on you." He repeated. As soon as he finished his sentence, he was sitting on top of me.

"LOUIS GET OFF!" I yelled.

"Say that I'm your bestestest friend in the whole wide world and I'm super sexy." Louis said.

"Is that what it'll take?" I asked gasping for air.



"You forgot an 'est'." He said.

"Chloe, lets go now." Harry said. Harry picked me up bride style, and carried me out, with my hospital gown still on. Which gave Harry the perfect chance to touch my bum. Since my bum was hanging out of the back. Harry didn't seem to care, though. But, as I predicted, he touched my bum. It was expected.

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