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Chloe Everdeene

Crap, does she know? No, she just thinks I like him again. That's okay. As long as she doesn't know we are together. Well, let's see how this works.

"OMG! Chloe, you like his again?" Danielle screeched. Okay, that was a good start. I guess.

"No." I demanded. God, I was getting good at lying.

"Oh, come on Chloeeeee!" She cheered.

"Okay fine maybe. But DON'T TELL ANYONE. OR ELSE." I threatened.

"Or else what ?" She asked.

"I'll tell your biggest secret." I said. Her biggest secret by the way is that she slept with a baby blanket till she was thirteen.

"You wouldn't."

"Why do you guys think I won't do things? Do you guys even know me?" I asked.

"PLEASEEE DON"TTTT." She pleaded.

"Don't tell my secret and I won't tell yours, deal?" I asked.

"Deal," She replied.

"Okayy! Let's have a sleep overrr!" Danielle said.

"KKKK!" I yelled. I started to text Harry, which is my usual thing now, but Danielle came up behind me and asked me who I was texting.

"Nobody." I said locking my iPhone 4s.

"Liarrrrrrr." She sang.

"Suri." I replied.

"K." She wasn't convinced. I was texting Harry. I was just telling him not to text me during the night because Danielle is sleeping over. How am I going to deal with One Direction all week trying to get me back together with Harry, even though I already am. I have to be a great actress. I can do it. No, lol. I wish I was like all my favorite actress' like like, I can't think of any right now, but I do have some. Liam will probably be around least; because, he is dating my best friend, Kenize awkward... And I like to hang out with his ex-girlfriend, Danielle. That's more awkward. I am guessing that Lou or Zayn will be around the most, Niall usually doesn't know what's going on..... Usual.

"What do you wanna do?" Danielle asked.

"Well, lets do something !!" I groaned.

"I agree; this is boring." Danielle said lying her head next to mine.

"I'm tired. But, I don't want to fall asleep." I was confused.

"Let's play a night game, whoever falls asleep first, the other will get to color on the sleeping person's face." Danielle suggested. It was exactly 8:30. She usually falls asleep at 12. I could manage.

"K, deal." I said, pinky promising.

"Be prepared to have Harry written all over your face, in the morning." Danielle smirked.

"Same with Liam." I smirked back.

"GO!" Danielle shouted. We spent the next five hours trying to get each other to fall asleep. It was past midnight, and Danielle was wide awake. I was really tired, but I won't accept the fact that Harry would be drawn on my face on my face when I wake up. Danielle still loves Liam, and I can that whenever I mention Danielle to Liam, that they both still love each other. They need to realise that they do, and get back together. Mackenzie doesn't actually like Liam, and I know this because I'm her best friend. She doesn't even like One Direction. But, she desperately needs a boyfriend I guess so she went for One Direction. She likes bands like; All Time Low, Breathe Carolina, and LMFAO. It is about 3:30 and Danielle is getting tired. After half an hour, she's sound asleep, and soon to have Liam written all over her face. It was a deal, that I won. I don't know how she feel asleep, but she did. I wrote Liam on her face in all different fonts and colors. Then, after admiring my art work, I rested my head on my pillow, and feel asleep after fifteen minutes.

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