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Harry Styles

I need a plan and I need one fast, Danielle is leaving in one week, which means Chloe is possibly moving with her, if I dont persuade her, I might as well just go die in a hole, that I bet Chloe would be happy to dig. She has my heart, i just need to win hers back. How? Just how? I have said everything humanly possible to win her back, and she is crazy for rejecting me, THE Harry Styles of One Direction, I mean really, look at me, the curls, the eyes the.. enough about my amazingly good looks. I need to think of a plan. Wait, I've got it, you just wait and see.

Chloe Everdeene

Honestly, deep in my heart, I can feel that I'm going to cry if I actually decide to leave Harry, forever. In all honesty, I love him. I can't just not love him, I loved him. It's impossible to fall out of love. I can't give in, it would make me look like I was just playing with his heart, which I'm not, I was truly mad at him for what he did. I can sure hold a grudge for a while, about a year I guess. Harry need to earn me back. I'm not just going to jump back into his arms saying the I was wrong and he was right- no. That only happens the the movies, and this is reality.

Text from Stalker (Harry) :

Harry: Hey, Meet me at the park at 5 (;

Uh oh, this can't be good, this is where his plan activates. I wonder what it is? Ugh. He knows he's doing this to me, and he like enjoys it ! I need to release some stress. The beach. Definitely. Only because two reasons :

1) Its my second stress reliever place.

2) Harry knows I would go to the amusement park, so therefore he will probably go there, knowing I'm stressed, and I'm avoiding that till 5.

But, anyways, I'm going to the beach. I went walking to the beach, because I was way to stressed to drive. I would cause a wreck.. and I'm not going there. So therefore I am walking. It's 10 minutes away and I had an hour till I was supposed to meet Harry at the park. I walked to the far left part of Beach One, and there I saw it; Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I scowled.

"I knew you would come here." Harry spoke.

"Wow, you do stalk me." I said sarcastically.

"No, you told me this when we were dating." He said. The thought of when we were dating made me smile.

"Yeah, you remember that?" I asked.

"Yeah.." He said with his voice drifting.

"Aw- okay." I corrected myself. No Chloe, make him want you even more, be strong.

"What were you about to say?" Harry asked.

"Nothing." I replied.

"You were about to say aw weren't you?" Harry asked smiling.

"No." I refused.

"Oh, come on! I know you were, I have ears." Harry pleaded. There's the pleading. It wasn't hard pleading, but it was probably all I was going to get so I took it.

"Fine. Okay, I was." I gave in, what? He pleaded.

"Aw! Chloee!" Harry chirped.

"Don't think this is going to change my mind, okay maybe a little, but I just thought that it was sweet that you remembered something from last year.." I said.

"How could I forget?! Chloe, your all I think about!" Harry raised his voice. I jumped a little.

"Don't yell at me! That's one thing I cannot stand!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry," Harry started.

"No. No your not!" I said.

"How do you know?" He asked.

"Because that's all you ever say! If you really meant it, you would only say it once." I said walking away. Harry was just standing there, no words came out until I was just in earshot.

"CHLOE! I LOVE YOU!" He yelled sounding as he was crying.


"Yes?" He said, he was crying.

"Come here!" I yelled. He came. I hugged him. I actually felt like he loved me. He had won my heart back.

You know those big run and jump into his arms scene they have in movies? Yeah, that's what just happened. It was really sweet and everything I needed right now. I just needed him.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

"You're forgiven." I said.

Harry Styles

"Your forgiven." Chloe said. Those two words I have been waiting a year for. Your forgiven.

"S-so you don't hate me?" I asked.

"I never did." She said.

"I love you, Chloe Faith." I said.

"I love you too, Harry Styles." She said.

She kissed me, me ! For the first time in a year, I got to feel her soft and warm lips. My life was complete. I broke away from the kiss, god, why would I do that?!

"So your not leaving?" I asked.

"No," She said smiling.

"Yes! " I said.

Chloe Everdeene

"Yes!" Harry said.

"Shit," I said.

"Whats the matter?" He asked.

"Danielle," I said. Danielle had broken up with Liam because of something Harry and him had done. Was she going to be mad?

"What about her?" He asked again.

"She broke up with Liam.. And now, I hope she's not mad.."

"Liam is with Mack now?" He reminded me.

"Mack!" I yelled. I had forgot about her, my best friend, yeah.. I was upset with her.

"Okay, let's go and we can tell them both together, were together." Harry said.

"Okay, together."


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