Forest..... (one)

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Vitoria POV

Thunder strikes against the trees of the 'murk' forest in the middle of the night. Disturbing the
once claim forest, tasting the fresh trees of the selfish forest.

The breeze wize and size against each branches of a tree. Never breaking a contact.

The clouds were running around the dark sky very fast as if running from a dragon. Skipping every move of the moving object on the inside of majuilore.

The place it self sounds silly or thoughtful, but it is a place where all wicked werewolves go to suffer.

They said it is one of the gods punishment for disrespecting him.

They said its when one of the gods are angry, the sky looks like this(purple and red) supernatural beings never know why, only werewolves knows it like there dangerous paws.

I know am one of a kind, and am not supposed to be out in  the middle of a stormy night, but I have to come here for a run can't keep my wolf in too long.

I Sprint back to the pack house and transform back into my human form, placing clothes on my nude body, before going inside and close the glass door.

Going up to my room, saying my prayer and I am off to bed.

Zucurs(cruel) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ