Chapter 10 ~ Silence

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"shh listen" Felicity says.

"I can't hear anything" Barry response.

"I know, that's what I want you to hear" Barry thinks Felicity sounds annoyed.

"Um guys.." Iris says scared.

"What?" Barry turn around and realise why she's scared. Krane is walking right toward them.

"You" Krane says and point at Barry. "I need you."

"Me? Why?" Barry asks.

"Because I have seen you before, but not here, not yet." Krane is looking like he just got a present for his birthday.

"What do you mean with not yet?" Felicity ask Krane.

"You would like to know, Felicity smoke."

"It's Felicity Smoak" she correct him.

"I know" Krane says with a little laugh.

Barry don't know what to do, the whole school is empty. He could really use a Killer Frost right now.

"If you don't come with me, your beloved ones are going to get hurt" Krane is smiling.

"You are not going to hurt anyone." Barry look back, "Felicity. Iris. Run!"

They both run, but Krane doesn't looks like he care. Barry don't understand that's the people he care about.. Unless. "Where is she?"

"She's safe... For now." He laugh.

"Okay, take me with you, but let her go!" Barry don't want to be the reason she get hurts.

"I have a better idea. I take you with me and not letting her go." Krane starts walking against Barry.

"NO!" Barry takes a step back and are about to run, when I feels an indescribable pain in his leg. He look at it only to see one of Kranes knives had gotten it's way deep into his flesh.

"Um yeah" is the last words Barry can here right before everything turns black...


"Barry... Barry wake up" the voice is so distance. "Barry please wake up... Barry."
A hand touch his shoulder and a lot of electricity is going through his body.

"Ah-" the voice says. The electricity woke Barry up, the voice belongs to Caitlin she is sitting right beside him, but behind some- blue shining stuff.

"Where am I? Where are we?" Barry look around but can't recognize anything. On the other hand there's nothing to recognize.. Everything is white.

"I don't know.. I just remember getting ready for class with Kara when Krane bombed into me and then everything turned black before I could... Change" Caitlin look away. Barry don't know what to do or say.

"Is this Kranes place?"

"I don't know."

"Have you never been here before?"


"Do you think Cisco and Gypsy will find us?"

"I don't know."

"What do you think-"

"I don't know Barry, okay. So stop asking!"

Caitlin lays down and bury her face in her hand.

"Caitlin are you okay?"

"I said no more questions!" She's about to go all frosty when her hand touch the blue shining wall there is between them. The electricity pull her back and Caitlin lays still.

"It's your fault" a tiny and scared voice whisper.

"How can this be my fault? It was you who got catched first."

"You just don't get it do you?" Caitlin looks at Barry with tears in her eyes, which makes him regret his words.

"I'm- I'm sorry Caitlin I didn't meant to hurt you" Barry moves a bit closer to the blue shining wall.

"Don't" Caitlin shakes her head and looks away.

"Caitlin I'm sorry"


"Because I- I don't know actually"

"If you don't know why you are sorry why do you apologise then?"

"Because I'm sorry I hurt you"

"Listen Barry" Caitlin gets eye contact with Barry and point at him with her finger. "If you think that little attack can hurt me, you clearly don't know me, but oh yeah that's true. You don't know me. You never know me. And you're never going to know me. Never."

Barry can see the tears there's fighting for their existence when Caitlin once again turn around and look away.

"That my dear is very true" Barry look around and see Krane standing there, Barry has no idea for how long but he didn't just came into the room.

"What's true" Barry asks.

"That you Barry, will never get to know the real Caitlin Snow because she. Is going. To die"

Worst chapter ever it's kinda
And tbh idk how to continue.

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