The Greater Good

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A whole week had passed since Barry told Iris the truth. It was a Monday morning.

Barry woke up around 5:30 AM and opened the door to the bathroom. He stepped into the warmth of the water of the shower and washed his body. Oliver came in, wanting a little morning action.

"Good morning, Barry!" Oliver said as he stepped into the shower with Barry.

"Jesus, Oliver, you scared me!" Barry exclaimed throwing soap at him. Oliver laughed.

Barry looked up and down at Oliver's hot, naked, and muscled body. "Damnnnnnn, I love you so much, Ollie."

"I could say the same to you," Oliver said as he wrapped his arms around Barry. They kissed for a few minutes.

The time was 6 o'clock and Barry's alarm went off.

"Dang, I've got to get to work, Ollie, but I'll cya later, I think?" Barry stated.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you after then." Oliver said, disappointedly.

Barry got dressed and kissed Oliver goodbye as he sped off toward Central City.

Barry's POV:

Barry walked into the police station bringing about an energetic vibe. He was finally free to be who he had always wanted to be. His life seemed to be perfect, but in an instant, it all changed. Iris' father, Joe, walked up to Barry and punched him in the face.

"Ouch!" Barry exclaimed.

"How could you do that to my daughter, Barry?! You left her in the dust, not caring what happened to her. You were supposed to be getting married and you just, you just left her, FOR A MAN!" Joe would yell in the center of the precinct.

"I'm sorry that I was being true to myself! I thought you would have been supporting my decision to finally come out! I'm glad that I at least had Singh to go to when I was in my crisis. But you know what, it's fine, I'm leaving. I don't need this anymore!" Barry yelled as he rushed over to Captain Singh's desk.

"Goodbye Captain, it's been great working here with you, but it's time for me to go. Thank you for all your help." Barry said as he shook Singh's hand and sat his badge on his desk.

Barry ran out of the station and Joe chased after him, but it was no use because Oliver had his motorcycle parked on the side and he was getting Barry put on the back. Oliver started the bike and they sped off very fast and they left Central City.

"What happened back there?" Oliver yelled as they were driving through the city.

"I walked in, getting ready for the beginning of the work day and Joe just came up to me and punched me in the face. He's really upset that I left Iris. Y'know, he's been the only real dad that I've had in my life and whenever I finally try to do what I think is best for me, he doesn't support me." Barry yelled back.

"Oh, wow... That's really unbelievable, I can't believe Joe did that. It'll all be ok though Barry. I'm very proud of you for how much you have accomplished in these past few days and I can't wait to just be able to live a happy life with you. This just reminded me of something that my dad said when I was younger. He told me, 'Always be true to yourself, Oliver. Don't let anyone else bring you down. You have the power to do whatever you'd like with your life, and when you make life decisions, you have to do them for the greater good of your life.' I've remembered that my whole life because it's just been so important to me." Oliver said.

"That really means a lot, your father sounds like a really wise guy." Barry stated.

"Yeah, he had his moments, and I truly loved him for it. He was always there to give me advice for any situation in my life." Oliver said as he started to tear up a little bit.

"I say that we get out of this place for awhile. Just take a break from it all, y'know. You can get John to be your backup at night, and I'm sure Cisco and Caitlyn can keep Central City safe. After all, this would be for the greater good, I'm sure." Barry mentioned as he held on tighter to Oliver.

"That sounds like a really good idea, Barry, lets do it!" Oliver would yell back behind him again.

They then arrived back at the Queen Mansion. Barry and Oliver went inside, packed their suitcases, and Oliver left a note for Thea saying that they'd be gone for a few weeks. After that, Barry ran himself and Oliver to the airport and they got on the next flight to Hawaii.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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