The Break-Up

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Barry would be sitting on the couch of him and Iris's apartment, impatiently waiting and fidgeting, showing a small amount of sweat on his forehead.

"Alright, this is it," He'd say, "Today is the day I tell her." Barry said, sort of worried.

*5 minutes later*

Iris would unlock the door and walk inside.

"Hey Barry, are you ok? You look a little sick." Iris would say curiously.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine... Well no, I'm not, there's something that has been on my mind for awhile and I just need to get it off my chest, Iris." Barry would say quickly.

"Okayyyy? What does that mean?" says Iris.

"Well...uh... It's sorta hard to say it, but Iris, I know that we have been together all our lives, but I...I like someone else, and I think we should call off the wedding." Barry said hesitantly.

Iris would stand in shock, looking at him for about a minute

"What... What do you mean, 'Like someone else,' it's always been me and you Bear, Barry and Iris, you know." Iris said.

"But Iris, I just... I just can't be with you anymore okay, there's just this one person that I can't get out of my head." Barry said.

"Are you joking?! How can you just all of a sudden want to walk out on us Barry!? On us!" Iris yelled.

"Look, I'm sorry, Iris, but I'm leaving you, I can't do this anymore!" Barry would scream as he grabbed his suitcase and motioned to walk out the door.

"Goodbye, Iris!" Barry would say, running down the hall to the elevator.

Barry would leave the apartment building and take a nice long walk around the block. He then decided it was time he confronted his fears, he'd go straight to the person who he has been thinking about nonstop for the past month... Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow...

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