The Next Day

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Oliver's POV:

Oliver woke up at 6 the next morning. He had realized he still had no clothes on and his body was just covered by a sheet.

"Wow, last night sure was fun. I think that's one of the best night's I've had in a long time." Oliver would think to himself, as Barry was still sleeping.

Oliver threw on a tshirt and a pair of basketball shorts and went downstairs to the kitchen. He made waffles, bacon, and eggs for breakfast.

Barry's POV:

Barry would wake up to the smell of fried bacon. He looked around himself and rubbed his eyes.

"Did last night really happen? It all just felt like a dream." Barry said to himself.

He'd grab a shirt and a pair of shorts from his suitcase in the other room, since he was still naked. After getting dressed, he headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ollie. Did you have fun last night?" He'd say with a smile across his face.

"Definitely, I think that was one of the best nights I have had in a longgggg time. Being with you just makes me happy. YOU are the best of me, Barry Allen, and I love you and always will love you." Oliver would say.

"Aw, I love you too, Oliver, and I'm glad I told you how I really felt about you, because if I didn't none of this would have ever happened." Barry said.

"...So, are we going to eat breakfast?" Barry would ask as his stomach grumbled.

"Oh yeah, right." Oliver would say, laughing.

Oliver would make their plates and they'd go sit in the dining room. Thea would be sitting there, staring at them.

"What're you doing here, Speedy? I thought you were at Roy's" Oliver would say, startled at the appearance of Thea.

"I think the real question is, what're YOU doing here?" Thea would say, looking at Barry.

"Oh, well uh...I was just coming over for breakfast, you know, like friends do some days." Barry would say.

"At 7 in the morning?!" Thea questioned.

Barry would blush.

"You know Thea, I don't think it's your business, what Barry is doing here. He just simply wanted to come for breakfast, so he's here to eat breakfast. It's as simple as that." Oliver said.

"Alright, whatever, I want get into your business." Thea said as she walked out of the dining hall, upstairs into her room.

"There we go, let's eat, I'm starving!" Oliver would say, pulling out Barry's chair.

They would sit down and eat the food, then proceed by just talking for a bit.

"Oh shoot, I totally forgot about work this morning, Ollie! I'm so, so sorry, but I should really get to work before, Singh calls." Barry said

"Ah no, it's fine, you should go, we can talk later, bye Bear." Oliver would say, a little sad.

Barry would go upstairs and put his regular work attire on, and then speed of to the C.C.P.D.

He'd get there about 30 minutes late. He walks into the police department, hoping that no one notices he's late. Uh oh, too late, Singh would spot him and say "Allen!! My office, now!"

Barry would walk into the office.

"Why are you late this time, Barry!?" Singh demanded.

"Well, sir, uh.... it's kind of personal. Could you shut the door?" Barry said.

"Personal huh, alright." Captain Singh would shut the door and sit back down behind his desk.

"Sir, you're gay, and you have a husband and all that, so I think you are the best person to talk to about this." Barry said quietly.

"Barry, are you coming out to me?" Singh would ask.

"Well uh, yeah, so uh, there's this guy, that I have always liked, since the first day I met him. His eyes are the prettiest I've ever seen, and his body, it's just amazing. Anyways, I uh, I uh actually called off Iris and I's wedding, I told her that I like someone else, but I didn't tell her I'm gay. You are the first person I've told about this. Well besides the man I like, I told him, I actually went to his house last night, so I won't go into full detail, but let me just say, last night was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. And then I stayed the night, he made breakfast this morning, and then I totally forgot about work." Barry would say.

"Wow, Barry, that's a lot to go through in just one night. And you called off your wedding? How do you think Joe is going to respond to that? And I hope you don't mind me asking, but this guy, do I know him?" Singh said.

"Yeah I'm a little stressed, but he helped take most of that away. I'm really hoping Joe doesn't know about this yet because I'm not really ready to face what's going to happen resulting from this." Barry said.

"Oh, and his name, it''s Oliver Queen, sir. I'm in love with Oliver Queen, and he's in love with me." Barry said, a little excited.

"Oliver Queen?! You slept with Oliver freaking Queen? Damn, I would too if I could, but Barry, I'm happy for you, that's great! Just follow your heart, don't let other's get you down. I know you Barry, just be you." Singh would say.

"Thanks sir, so uh, are you still mad at me for being late?" Barry asked.

"No, Barry, no I'm not, in fact, why don't you have the rest of the day off." Singh suggested.

"Really sir, thank you so much!" Barry said exasperated.

"Now go get 'em tiger!" Singh said.


Thanks for reading guys, stay tuned for the next chapter and please, if you have any suggestions or anything, just comment down below. Bye!!! :)

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