Chapter twelve

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Gauri woke up with a pleasant feeling in her chest. 

The reason was probably the man whose deep breaths resonated throughout her body. 

The room was still dark, but out of habit, Gauri woke up at her usual time. 

Mumbai was slightly behind Uttar Pradesh, probably that's why the house felt so quiet. Or maybe people in this city woke up late. Either case, it was time for her to get up. 

Carefully, she tried to free herself from Omkaraji's embrace, but his arms held her tighter than before.

Omkara had sensed her wakefulness. 

It seemed a harmless gesture to hug her last night. But this morning alerted him to the dangers of this seemingly innocuous position. 

If her soft warmth, and full curves pressed to her body weren't enough, Gauri looked up at a now fully awake Omkara, with innocence and question in her eyes. 

Yesterday, he wanted to comfort her.

This morning, he wanted her. 

Omkara groaned. He needed to get a grip over his body, which seemed to have developed a will of its own.

"What is wrong?" asked Gauri, softly.

"What is wrong is.....that I feel like a big bad wolf wanting to gobble the sweet, white lamb" said Omkara, resignedly, releasing the breadth he had been holding. 

Gauri laughed at his words. 

"But who's the big bad wolf here? I feel that is more my terrain" said Gauri, something close to regret and dejection showing in her eyes. 

"Hey, I'll have you know that no one takes a jibe at my wife in my presence, I won't tolerate it" said Omkara, fiercely holding Gauri closer to himself. 

He was defending her to herself! 

That someone could have more faith in herself than she did, thought Gauri. How did she get so lucky?

Gauri felt a sudden tenderness for this man wash over her. But she was also scared, unsure of herself. 

She reminded herself that she was the Thakurain, who wasn't afraid of anything. 

She shifted her position, and stretched her body. She hesitated for a moment, but then without giving it too much thought, lightly kissed her Jatadhaari Hippie's jaw.

Omkara loosened his hold out of shock, which gave Gauri the opportunity to flee the scene as her sudden courage failed her just as quickly as it arrived. 

Omkara touched his jaw and felt her essence lingering in that place. Slowly, his face broke into a sanguine smile. 

Things were looking up; he knew how hard that must have been for his wife, but she decided to go with the flow. That was a heartening thought. 

As Gauri had bolted herself in the bathroom, Omkara decided to go back to sleep again. 


Almost an hour later, Omkara woke up again, this time to the sound of a melodious voice. 

Gauri wouldn't change her habits for Mumbai, she decided. The first things she spotted in Omkaraji's room were the ShivParvati idols. Perfect for her morning and evening prayers, she thought. 

Omkara had only seen the Thakurain doing aarti, he had never heard Gauri's voice. If he had, he would have known that very instant that the Thakurain was faking her cold demeanor.

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