Kaitlyn Woods (Lane)

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Name: Kaitlyn Elizabeth Lane

Preferred Name: Kate

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Grade: 10

Sexuality: Straight 

Personality: Kate is a very balanced person, as in she is equally kind and 'rude'. She believes that all things happen for a reason. She is uncontrollably honest, and hates being lied to. At times she can be intelligent but she is easily confused and quite oblivious.

 Appearance: Kate is rather short at the height of 5 feet. She is slim looking but is surprisingly strong. She has a fair complexion with bright green eyes. Her hair reaches her lower back and is a nice natural brown color but the bottom half of her hair is dyed red. She is mostly seen wearing a low cut sweater, a choker, black ripped jeans, converses, and a black beanie. 

Backstory: She lived by herself for a year and a half after her father has died. No one knew where her mother was and there was no one else who could take care of her. The original plan was for her to go through foster care but she refused and was able to prove that she could provide for herself. With that, she was allowed to live by herself...with one condition. She would have to go to a school of the governments choice, and if she got good grades the government would help her till she graduated. She agreed to their conditions and now goes to school. Kate was told that it was best for her to have some kind of company so she was given a cat who she named omen.

 (This version of her is used for Dreams and Nightmares.)

(Original version.)

Name: Kaitlyn Woods

Nickname: Kat or Kate

Age: 15-17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: She has brown hair with red ends, that falls to her middle back. She had darkish green eyes. She also has black glasses. And she is 5 foot tall, with long legs.

Personality: She is a well balanced person. Though because of this, it's almost like she has two personalities. She can be very kind and sweet one moment, and the next she can be very b*tchy and aggressive.

Things to know:

-She is an outcast, so she keeps to herself.

-She's the middle child of her current foster family, and is pretty much ignored. Because of this, she gets away with almost everything.

-Her favorite color is red.

-Her favorite bands are twenty one pilots and panic at the disco.

-Her favorite food is spaghetti.

-She loves to read and draw.

-She has a pet cat name Omen.

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