chapter 1 #sexykiwi [rewritten]

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  "I'm home," I called out as I entered the house, kicking off my shoes. When I looked up I saw my mum standing in the door frame to the living room, her arms crossed over her chest
  "How often do I have to tell you to put your shoes away and not just kick them on the floor?"
  "I'm sorry mum," I said picking up my shoes from the floor, "you know I'm a teenager. My brain isn't full grown yet." 
  "Dinner is ready in half an hour," was all she said but I clearly saw her roll her eyes at me. I didn't say anything else when she went back into the kitchen and instead put my shoes away like she had asked me and went upstairs.

I dropped down on my bed and turned on my laptop as soon as I entered my room. Some may say I'm addicted to that device, I can just say they're probably right (at least I'm not in denial you know).
Anyways, I found this chatroom called 'SpeakUp!' a couple of weeks ago. It's built on the concept of remaining completely anonymous while being able to speak your mind or just chat with other people that share your opinions and interests. You can talk about whatever is on your heart without anyone judging you. No one knows the socially awkward teen I am in reality, which gives me the chance to be whoever I want to be - or actually the chance to be just me.

Personally, I think its a brilliant invention and the developer deserves a medal or something.

It gives me the possibility to talk to complete strangers without having to worry about them exploiting me in any way. To be honest, I hate talking about me or my feelings and opinions, but on 'SpeakUp!' it's easier. These people don't actually know me, giving me the perfect opportunity to talk about stuff I usually wouldn't talk about.

My mum thinks it's dangerous to talk to 'those' people - how she so nicely puts it - and that people you meet on the internet can't be real friends.

I don't blame her she grew up at a different time. Nowadays meeting people over the internet is completely normal, which doesn't mean you don't have to be careful about what you share online. But as to the real friends' thing I can just say, what's real in this world anyway?
Aren't we all hiding behind masks, trying to navigate ourselves through these strange times? I sure wear a mask every day I leave the house, I'm probably more the real me online than I will ever be in the real world. But so what if all my friends are internet friends, what matters is that they care, that they listen whenever I need someone to talk to. They like me for me and not for who I'm pretending to be or better who people make me out to be.

The kids at school are all idiots anyway. If they don't insult me, they ignore me or laugh about me behind my back. It did bother me once but at some point, I learned to let go. And my online friends helped a lot in that process. Actually, they were crucial to it.

A sudden ping sound woke me from my thoughts, indicating a new message.

  [from sexykiwi]
    What's up Cadbury? :D

I smiled a little while I read the message. His name is like really shit and first I thought he's an arrogant douche but that isn't the case at all. He actually turned out to be a really nice person. And also we have the same taste in music. That's how we got to know each other in the first place. Because of the music video to Green Day's 'American Idiot'.

    I feel ignored. Why don't you answer me? 😱 Makes me sad 😭

I laughed. This boy. Such a drama queen.

  [to sexykiwi]
    I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to make you feel ignored. I was lost in my thoughts for a second

  [from sexykiwi]
    What kind of thoughts?

  [to sexykiwi]
    Just my thoughts 😁

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