Chapter One-Kit's Dicovery

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Chapter One

Kit's Discovery

'Kit Watson wins first place in this years annual swim meet. The young seventeen year old when asked about this commented with, "I just did my best. I wasn't trying to win or lose. My dad always says having fun is more important than winning or losing." When his teammates were asked how young Watson acts upon losing they replied with. "Kit isn't a sore loser if he does lose he smiles and it makes everyone around like him as a friend even more." It is amazing that a young seventeen year old student can have this type of effect on people but it is true when one of his opponents was asked about how he felt on losing to Watson the teen had this to say, "I'm alright with it I mean who could hate losing to Kit he's an awesome friend and he's like the best big brother anyone could have." Can a boy like Watson be any more liked? The public says yes he can.'

*sigh* I put the newspaper down and massage my temples. "What's up son?" I look over at my dad and give a sheepish smile. "I made front page news." My dad chuckles and picks up the paper and reads the article about me. I look over at the time. "Oh crap, I gotta get to the school or I'll be late for football practice. I'll see you later dad." I say as I jump up off the couch and make my way out the door grabbing my keys as I went. I climb behind the wheel of my dodge ram and turn on the engine. Listening to my baby purr is music to my ears. As I pull out of the driveway I wave to my dad as he and my dog Lexie stand on the porch to see me off.

I'm sure you think I'm absolutely insane for the fact I love hanging out with my dad and I honestly don't care. I, Kit Watson, have always had my dad there for me no matter what. He didn't even hate me when I told him I was bisexual. Yes I will date girls and guys. Anyways since I never got to have time with my mom my dad's all that I have. Dad told me she died after I was born. He said she's the one that named me.

Well enough thinking about my sad past. I'm seventeen and on my school's swim team and football team. No I am not the star player I just happen to be on the team. No the star player is my best friend Logan. If he ever got hurt and couldn't be the quarterback then I take his place. I pull into the school lot and park into the spot reserved for me and turn off my truck. Yes my baby is a truck not a car. I pocket my keys and hop out closing the door and walk away after digging into my pocket and hitting the alarm button to lock my truck.

As I walk out onto the field a lot of my team mates wave and shout out congratulations on winning the swim meet. I wave back and head to the gym doors so I can go get ready for practice. As I make my way towards the locker room I see the coach coming out of his office. "Hey coach." I greet and he smiles at seeing me. "Hey Kit, how's your dad?" He falls in with me as I head into the locker room. "Dad's the same as always. Proud to be my dad." I say with a laugh. "Well he's got a great kid. See you on the field when you get done changing." I nod and he walks out. I walk over to my locker and open it getting my gear out. I had just taken my shirt off when a body tackles me. I hit the floor laughing as Logan gets off me. "Man Kit, how the heck did you win the swim meet when you didn't even try?" I grab onto Logan's hand has he helps me off the floor. "Logan, I never try to win. I just go with the flow."

After getting my gear and uniform on Logan and I left the locker room and head out to the field laughing all the way as he tells me about how his dog got himself stuck getting a bath. I sat on the bench by the water boy as Logan took his place at the line. Being back up quarterback isn't as cool as being the star player but I don't mind. As practice goes on and I memorize each play the water boy sighs. "What's up, Anthony?" I ask as I turn and see his sad eyes. "My mom's been diagnosed with cancer." I place hand on his shoulder and squeeze it giving him comfort. "Don't worry if your mom is anything like you she'll come home fully cured." I tell him and see his eyes light up with hope. "Thanks Kit. I needed to hear that." I grin and turn back to the team.

I had just finished changing clothes when a commotion outside caught my attention. I shut my locker and walk out to find out what's going on and see Anthony being pushed around by the school gang. I hear Logan come out and upon seeing what I do we both walk over and shove the guys away from Anthony. "Morons leave the football team's water boy alone or you'll deal with the whole team." As Logan says that the rest of the team takes a place behind Anthony to prove Logan right. The gang leader glares at Logan and motions for his gang to leave grudgingly. Before he follows he says, "You can't protect him forever Logan."

The team disperses and I turn to look at Logan who was glaring daggers at the guy. "Logan let it go dude." I place a calming hand on his shoulder. He closes his eyes and breathes to cool off his anger then turns to Anthony. "You ok?" Anthony nods a yes. "Come on I'll drive you to the hospital so you can be with your parents." I say to him and he smiles in gratitude at me. "I think I'll come along." Logan says and throws an arm around both of us. "Besides my dad's being a jerk so I don't want to go home just yet." I nod in understanding and we walk out of the school and head to my baby.

When we get to her I dig out my keys and click the button to unlock the doors. "Sorry Anthony but you'll have to sit in the middle." I say with an apology. He nods an ok and climbs in before me. I get behind the wheel and start the engine letting her purr while Logan puts his gear in the back of my truck. When he climbs in and shuts the door I back out of my spot to drive around to the lot exit and after making sure the road is clear drive out of the lot turning towards the hospital.

Half way there I see Anthony nodding off into a nap and knowing Logan likes him I shift a bit to make Anthony lean against my best friend. Logan glances over at me and I raise a brow. I chuckle and say, "Logan you're not the hard for me to figure out." He gives me questioning look. "I know you like Anthony and he likes you too so just wrap an arm around him." Logan blushes but does what I suggest. I chuckle as I turn onto the road leading to the hospital.

I pull into a space in the parking lot and turn off the engine. I look over at Logan as he brushes hair away from Anthony's eyes. I clear my throat and Logan looks up at me. I point to the hospital and he nudges Anthony awake. I climb out and stretch to get the kinks out. I watch Logan climb out and then Anthony. I can't help but smile when I see Anthony holding Logan's hand.

"What's that grin for Kit?" Logan asks me and I glance down at their joined hands. Logan follows my gaze and he blushes again but doesn't let go of Anthony's hand. I laugh as I say, "You two make the cutest couple." Anthony blinks at me and smiles shyly but pulls out of Logan's grasp and walks to the entrance. Logan and I follow behind him glaring at all the perverts gazing at Anthony to make them back away from him.

Once inside the elevator I give Logan a small shove into Anthony which makes them kiss and snicker. They jump apart blushing red and I laugh out loud. "Kit I'm going to kill you." Logan says once the doors open and we walk out. "*chuckles* I don't know why all I did was give you a reason to do what you already wanted Logan." I say with an innocent look. As we walk into the room Anthony's mom is in we stop talking. Anthony's dad looks up from reading the book in his hand and smiles at us. "Who are your friends, love?" His mother asks as she takes his hand after he hugs her. "Mom, Dad, this is Logan and Kit. They're both on the football team." Logan just nods hi and I poked him in the ribs. "Be nice Logan and greet them properly. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Scotts." I say giving them a smile. Logan rolls his eyes at me but speaks, "Hi." After an hour or so I glance at my watch and see its almost time for visitors to leave. "Logan, we've got ten minutes left for visiting." I say and Anthony's mood droops a bit until Logan asks, "Is it ok if I come back and visit often?" Mr. Scotts shakes our hands as he says, "Any friend of Anthony is always welcomed." I see Mrs. Scotts glancing between Anthony and Logan as their gazes lock and smile.

Logan and I leave the hospital and climb back into my truck. The drive back to his house is silent. It took twenty minutes to get to his driveway from the hospital. As he gets his gear from the back of my truck I see his mom waiting on the porch and wave at her. She smiles and waves back at me mouthing, 'Thanks for keeping an eye on him for me.' I smile and wave again as I start to back out once Logan walks into the house. Half way home I catch a glint of silver at my right and pull over to the curve.

I get out of my truck and see something between some bushes. As I get closer I see it's the size of a baseball and its made of some kind of metal. I kneel to a knee and reach between the bushes and pick it up and examine it. I see some kind of language engraved all around the middle of it and being me I am clueless. 'I bet Athena could figure you out.' I say to myself and carry the thing back to my truck. I climb behind the wheel and set the sphere on the seat by me as I pull back onto the road and on my way home.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 04, 2010 ⏰

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Time Warp: A Tale of Unexpected Love (yaoi)(On Hold for now)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon