She stopped.

She also had strange dreams of her Mom and her Dad. But she couldn't admit anything to anyone.

Quickly she put on her dress and went downstairs to see her brother. She was wondering if he still loved her, especially after she neglected answering to any of his letters.

Nathan was lying on a lounging chair in the back yard. He was sipping iced tea and reading a fiction book.

He sensed Bella's presence so he immediately turned his head to see her.

- Wow! You look like a teen copy of our Mom, he exclaimed.

She half smiled and approached him.

- Do you hate me ? she asked her.

- Do you have any reason for me to hate you ? he asked her back.

- Perhaps I do.

- You should have answered at least two or three letters. I was sick worried that something happened.

- You are right. But I couldn't.

- Don't push me away in the future, will you ?

- I will try, Nathan. Did you graduate ?

- I did.

- Congratulations. What do you plan on doing now ?

- I want to be a Potions Master, like our father.

- I like Potions too. You will be good at it.

- Thanks, he mumbled.

Severus had spotted them and he was coming along with extra refreshments and some sandwiches.

Bella stood up and approached her father to help him with the tray.

Suddenly the wind blew and caused her dress to expose her private parts.

Nathan's eyes went wide with shock, while Severus dropped the tray.

- Why haven't you put some underwear ? he shouted at his daughter.

Bella blushed.

- I like it better if I wear nothing underneath.

- It is highly inappropriate, Bella, he said while casting reparo on the tray.

- Only if you sneak peak, she retorted biting her bottom lip.

- Go upstairs and put on proper clothes, he instructed her in a firm tone.

She approached him with a dangerous look in her eyes.

- Why daddy ? she whispered. Am I making you hard ?

Severus lost control and slapped her, almost immediately regretting it.

- I see... she said with a hurt tone in her voice.

- A father does not get aroused by his daughter, he said in a calm tone. But don't you ever use flirt to me. Do you understand it ?

She looked at him. She was thinking something bad. Severus could sense it.

All of a sudden, she disposed of the little black dress and stood naked in front of both her father and brother.

Nathan used his hands to cover his eyes. He was feeling so embarrassed.

Severus on the other way was calm.

He was waiting to see his daughter's next move.

- Do I look like her, Daddy ? Was Mom as good looking as me when you met her ?

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