Zombies? Starks? there is a thin line

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Aaaah!" Pepper ran down the hall screaming.

"What's wrong Pep?" Rhody, who was heading to Physical Therapy, asked.

Pepper took a few deep breaths, took off her heels and flopped on the chair. Rhodey sat beside her.

"I know this is going to sound crazy Rhodey, but I think I saw two zombies standing in the lab" she said, visibly shaken.

Rhodey frowned. That didn't sound good. Obviously, the probability of a zombie apocalypse was lesser than his idiot of a best friend dragging his new...' intern' ("I swear Rhodes, he is JUST my Intern") through multiple nights of a crazy project surviving only on caffeine."I say we go look at our two zombies" Rhodey mumbled.

Pepper sighed, "I'm sure its nothing Rhodey, I'm probably just too tired and I'm seeing things again"

Rhodey groaned, "See Pepper now you truly sound like a Stark"

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