Breeding of Catastrophe

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PETER: Sorry couldn't come to skl today. What happened??

NED: Nm dude, I can send you the pics of notes tmrw...

MJ: Ned, seriously?? U r not telling him?? Lol I wish I could see your face, perfect for my next crisis sketch.

PETER: guys, wht happened

NED: In chem, Mr.Warren announced our field trip.

NED: its srsly cool this year

MJ: lol ikr

PETER: Are we going to CERN?? NASA?? -.-

MJ: Nope, still better.

NED: And it's only for Decathlon ppl. Flash is gonna be there.

PETER: hurray. But WHERE

MJ: I can't wait to see flash's face lol


NED: Dude chill, since u were absent today you will get your slip and the details tmrw. It's surprising. And the trip is on Friday...

PETER: this friday??

MJ: yeah

PETER: aww shucks... I can't come then :((

NED: Where are you on fri??

PETER: need to work on a suit for ant man's daughter.

NED: COOL!!!!!!!

MJ: wait so will you be upstate or in the tower in NYC

PETER: NYC...why???

NED: oh boy

PETER: what??

MJ: Uh...

PETER: have fun guys

Peter switched off his stakphone and threw it on the couch. Ned and MJ were acting weird. Well, weirder.

Honestly, he couldn't care less about the trip. He was done with field trips.

Either aliens start attacking NYC, or flash bullies him more, or he gets lost, or bitten by a radioactive spider or has to climb the Lincon tower without a parachute. It's always a certain disaster.

Although, the MOMA trip next year doesn't sound too bad.

What could possibly go wrong?

Field trip to where? (ft.Irondad)Where stories live. Discover now