He Admitted

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Kristel POV
We're at Justin's house, we just downloaded a video that would be our reference for our performance. And they really chose a dance for couples, and they really partnered me up with Justin, and I know I can't complain with that. Walter and Zai are partners, then Henry and Ashley, I can say this is really by 'partners'.

We're here at the garden, they have this empty spot that has roof, the front wall is open.

"Okay, let's start" Ashley said, well she likes to dance and is able to dance so she will be the one to lead us. Good thing, we are all fast learners.

It was easy tho, I can follow it. The first step was sitting on the floor with knees up, then pushing yourself back and your back will bump into your partners. And remember, Justin is my partner. And I can feel my heart races as our backs touch while doing that step.

The next steps were okay too, easy actually. But then, there was a step where the girl has to face her partner and put her hand on his chest.

"Okay, guys, remove the awkwardness okay, we're doing it for the performance, okay?" Ashley said as she looks at us, so I turn to Justin, he wasn't looking at me, just looking forward.

"Okay, hand on the chest" Ashley said, I was contemplating, but then I have to do it. So I gently put my hand close to his chest, I leave a space so I won't touch him.

"We need to look at our partners eyes" Ashley said, Zai glanced at me with a grin on her face, okay, she's teasing me.

So I tried to look at Justin's eyes, he's already looking at me. Then he glances at his chest

"the leader said hand on the chest" he whispers then put my hand on his chest, now I'm touching him. I look away, then he touches my chin and make me look at him

"and eye contact" he whispers again, I just glare at him, I don't know if he's just teasing me or what. But then, we continue practicing as my heart beats fast because of him.

"Okay, we're nearing the end. Let's start from the top, then we'll learn the next step" Ashley said, so we all went back to first position. Ashley and Henry were at the front, and we're at the back, well since Zai and I don't want to be in the center, they're at the right, while we're at the left.

So we continue practicing, and practicing. Until we needed to learn the next step.

"Okay, it's easy guys. We just need to turn then hug." Ashley said while looking at the video. I sigh in my head, why would I be in this situation? I just feel like going home.

So we practice it, and I was awkward. I keep on messing up the steps. I have to put my arms around his neck but I keep messing it up.

"Don't be nervous" Justin whispered as he pulls me closer to him, and gently put my arms around his neck. I was stunned, my eyes were stuck at him, and it makes me confused, why does his stares makes my heart skip a beat? Why does he stare like I was the only person he sees?

"Perfect, now let's learn the next step" Ashley said, I collected myself and take a step back.

We continue to learn the steps until we finished. And then we start from the beginning until the end of the dance.

I memorized the steps but then my body kept on messing up.

"Okay, I think we should leave Kristel here. Justin, is it okay if you and Kristel will continue to practice?" Ashley asked,

"It's fine" he said, so I look at him.

"Okay, good. We'll be here again tomorrow. So I hope that we can perfect everything by tomorrow" Ashley said and smile at us,

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