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Justin Pov
It was almost the end of semester. Everyone was just completing their requirements.

I was on my way to leave school, one girl from the room was still sitting on their desk while sleeping. I walk inside and saw that it's Kristel.

"Hey, it's time to go. Wake up" I said and gently tap her arm. But she won't bulge,

"Hey, time to go" I said and tap her again, but she won't even move. So I lower my head

"Kristel, it's time to go" I said, but there's still no response. I become worried, so I touch her forehead.

"You're burning hot" I said, I carried her to the clinic, and the nurse assists us.

"She has a fever. It would be better if you'll accompany her to her house. Give her this when she wakes up" the nurse said and give me medicine. I nodded

I sit beside her as the nurse went to her station. I look at her and realized that she's one of a beauty. I didn't really notice it back then, this is the first time I got a closer view to her face.

But there's something in her that keeps me on looking at her. Like I have seen her face before, like a really long time.

"It's getting late. I think you should take her home now" the nurse said, I nodded and snapped my thoughts

I carry her to the parking lot, her driver was here.

"She has a fever" I said, he open the door so I get her inside.

"The nurse told me to give this to her when she wakes up" I said and give him the medicine.

I followed them until she gets inside her house, just to be sure that she's safe. Then I went to the seaside.

I sit on the rocks and just watch the sea. My mind just kept on flashing me what happened from the past. From the first months after the engagement. Back then, I tried to treat her right and do things to her. Saying sweet words, caring for her, but I was obligated to do that, I was not sincere. She hated that, and she hated me more when she saw how bad was I.

"Don't act like you're happy to be with me. Just do whatever you want but don't do these things without being sincere. Don't force yourself to act like you care."

"Stop doing these things if you feel obligated. Don't say anything that you don't mean"

These are the words that she told me before I stop doing that. Then become cold to each other. She showed how much she hated me and that she doesn't care about me. I tried to see her eyes and see what she really feels but, she always looks away. So I stopped, and believe that she really hates me.


I was on my way home, when Mom called me

"Hello, Justin"

"Yes Mom"

"Kristel's alone at her house. Can you stay with her?" I did not expect that


"Can you stay with her?"  I sigh


"Okay, then go there now. Bye bye"


I arrived at Kristel's house. I went inside but she's not there. So I went to look at her room, she's sleeping. I wonder if she had her dinner. I went to the kitchen and cooked some porridge.

"Why are you here?" I heard her say, I look at her

"Mom told me to stay with you" I answered then went back to cooking

"And what are you doing?" she asked,

"Uhm, cooking?" I answered, she just rolled her eyes and lie on the couch.

After a while, the porridge was done. I prepared her bowl and mine also. Then I place it on the table.

"Can you walk?" I asked,

"Why?" she ask

"Uhm, you have to eat" I said, she didn't answer back. So I went to look at her. She must be having a bad headache. So I get our food and move it to the table beside the couch.

"Okay, can you sit up?" I asked, she opens her eyes annoyed, then she sit up.

"What?" she said,

"You have to eat" I said again, she sigh and was about to get her bowl

"Nope. I'll hold it. It's hot and you're weak at your state" I said, she glared at me, why is she always mad at me?

"I'll help you eat" I said, so I fed her, she was avoiding the food

"Kristel, you have to eat" I said, but she's avoiding still. So I tried to hold her mouth steady before feeding her. And she was glaring at me while she chew.

I fed her again, and she avoids it again.

"Kristel" I said, she just glared, so I tried again

"You will eat or you want to go to school with me" I said, she opens her mouth voluntarily and didn't even complain. It made me laugh inside. See, she chose to eat than to go to school with me. Does she really hate me that much?

After a few minutes, we're done. I washed the dishes. Then I gave her the medicine so she can take it.

"I'll be at my room" she said then went upstairs.

I stayed at their living room until midnight, cause I checked on her and see if she still has fever. Her temperatures down but still has low fever. My eyes catch her face again, I was stuck staring at her. It felt like a crime but I won't even regret it.

I was so drawn into looking at her that I didn't even realize that I fell asleep..

Kristel Pov
I woke up and saw Justin beside my bed. He slept sitting on the floor while watching me? I sit up and look at him, then I remember what he did last night. He cooked me food and and fed me, I smile as I remember it.

"Justin" I called, he did not respond

"Justin" I called again and tap him.

"Hmm, you're awake. How are you feeling?" he asked then carefully sits on the bed.

"It's fine now." I said, then he touch my forehead

"Mm, you don't have fever" he said, I was looking at him

"Did you just slept on the floor?" I asked,

"Oh, yah. I just went to check on you, but then, I fell asleep" he answered, I nodded

"You can go home now. I can take care of myself" I said, but he looks at me

"No. We don't have school today. So I can stay the whole day." He said, I frown

"You don't have plans?" I asked, he shake his head

"No" he simply answered,

I stand up to take a shower

"Where are you going?" He asked,

"Uhm, I will take a shower?" I said, he nodded and left my room. I can't help but to smile. This side of him is actually not new to me, I have seen it before. The first months after the engagement, some of his actions were sincere but most were not.

I went downstairs after I dressed up, I found him on the garden. I just let him be. I searched for food and there was on the table. It was still hot, did he cooked again?

"Am I allowed to eat this?" I asked as he walks inside,

"Of course. I won't poison you" he said, I chuckled. So I start to eat, I think my appetite came back, cause last night I don't have it.

And the whole day, Justin really stayed at me. He didn't let me go out of his sight. And before he leaves, he made sure that I will be safe for the night, which made me smile.

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