45. MATTHEW TKACHUK | flames

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this was requested by kardelisa9022 ! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy this imagine! if it's not what you wanted, just let me know and i will try and fix it for you! <3

"Matt," you whispered through the phone, speaking to your best friend of seven years. Earlier today, you had been in a car accident and broke a few bones, and you have yet to tell Matthew.

"Y/N! What's up?" Matty spoke at the other end of the phone, his voice cheerful and full of happiness. You smiled a bit, but it quickly faded when you realized you'd have to tell him that you wouldn't be able to make it to his playoff game against Colorado.

"Matty..." you managed to get out, voice shaky. Little did you know, your best friend was on the other end of the line, concern for you growing by the second.

"Are you alright, love? What's wrong? You're scaring me!" he panicked, hoping that nothing was seriously wrong. You cried even harder, not wanting to break your best friend's heart.

"Matty, I was in a car accident. I'm okay, just a few broken bones but I feel horrible because I won't be able to make it to your game tonight!" you sobbed, and you swear you could here Matthew's heart shatter into pieces at this moment.

"Oh... Y/N, don't worry about the game. I'm just glad that you weren't injured any worse! I'm coming to the hospital right now, text me your room number-"

He was so worried, and you managed to smile through your tears. "No, Matt. Don't worry about visiting me now. Go play your heart out against the Avalanche, but make sure you score a goal for me! You can visit me after your game." you protested, as you didn't want him to worry any more than he was already. You could hear him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Are you sure? I want to make sure you're alright."

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm okay! Like I said, play your heart out and have fun. You can visit me afterwards."

"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend, Y/N. I'll be sure to score for you tonight!"

"Love you, Matts."

"Love you more, Y/N/N."

You hung up the phone and sighed. You really wanted to make it to Matty's game, but fate got in the way. You worried that you're phone call would affect Matt's game, but all you could do was hope for the best.

Soon enough, the doctor walked in. A nurse was there with him, and he smiled as he checked his clipboard. "Okay, Miss Y/L/N. We have good and bad news. The bad news is you have a fractured ankle and seven broken ribs."

Your eyes travelled to the floor as he spoke those words.

"The good news is that we're going to release you from the hospital early. Today, to be exact. Maeve over here," he pointed to the nurse, "is going to bandage your ribs and put a cast on your ankle. Then you'll be free to go! Is there anyone who can pick you up?"

You nodded, grinning from ear to ear! You'd be able to go to Matty's game after all! Without a warning, you grabbed your phone and pressed your friend's contact.

"Hello?" Y/F/N picked up the phone almost right away.

"Y/F/N! Can you come pick me up from the hospital? I'm being released early and I need a ride to the arena."

"That's great, Y/N! I'll come pick you up. Now about the game: usually I would say no, but I know how much seeing Matthew play means to you, so I'll take you to the game."

You grinned again, "Thank you, Y/F/N! See you soon!"

"See you!"

About half an hour later, Maeve was done putting the cast on your ankle and bandaging your ribs. Y/F/N came rushing into your room and helped you off the bed, grabbing some crutches from Maeve and adjusting them to your height. She brought along your Tkachuk jersey and you guys headed off to the Saddledome.

The Flames ended up beating the Colorado Avalanche 4-0. You couldn't be happier, and now you're about to surprise Matt! You cleared from your seats a little bit later than everyone else, so that you wouldn't be trampled by all the other excited Calgary fans and angry Avalanche fans.

As you made your way down to the Flames's locker room, you showed the security guard your pass and he let you through. You knocked on the door, and it opened, only to reveal Sean. He looked you up and down, giving you a look of sympathy before calling for Matthew.

As Matthew came to the door, a little bit distracted by Johnny Hockey and Travis Hamonic dancing in the locker room, you smiled brightly. Matt looked over to you and it took him a bit of time to process what was going on.

"Y/N/N!" he shouted as he finally realized what was going on. He pulled you into a gentle hug, making sure he didn't hurt you in any way. "I thought you were in the hospital! I was just about to come visit you!"

You smiled at him, your Y/E/C eyes shining brightly. "I was, but they released me early. My vitals were good and I made it to the game, as you can tell."

He chuckled. "I'm so happy you're here. I was so worried about my best friend."

Without a warning, Matty pulled you into a sweet kiss. You were taken aback a little bit, but leaned into it. "Y/N, I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I've loved you for a long time." he breathed out, peering into your eyes.

Your forehead was resting against his, "I love you too, Matthew Tkachuk."

He smiled the biggest grin ever and pulled you into another kiss, one that confessed all of his love for you. Matt never failed to brighten your day. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You nodded.

All in all, Matty made your horrible day into the best day ever. You were lucky not only to have him as your best friend, but as your boyfriend, too.

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