Chapter 14

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Hope you enjoy this Chapter

The next day rolls around and you have a new source of energy when you wake up. You climb out of bed and you get ready with a pep in your step.

Once your climbing down the stairs like always the smell of food is what hits you first before even reaching the final step. You walk to the dining area and you sit in your regular area.

It doesn't take long for Archer to come out with 2 plates both streaming and smelling wonderful. He doesn't look at you when he walks by but once he is seated he gets a closer look at you.

He stares at you for a while. You tilt your head to the side looking at him as well. He smiles while shaking his head. He points to his face and moves is all over.

“You have a little something.” He says. You think for a while and then you remember that Mari had stayed the night. You stand up and you march to her usual room.

She's already awake when you get there. She smirks as there is a black marker in her hand. You give her a blank stare. She only smiles back.

You take a step forward slowly. Then another. This becomes a pattern until you're in front of her. You both about the same height so you look straight at her. You shoot your hands to start to tickle her.

She screams and attempts to run. But your already one step ahead and you put your shield beside her. She looks similar to a mime when she puts her hands and feels the invisible force.

Mari is one of those weird people who can only be tickled by certain people and very few can make her fully laugh. You're one of those people who can make her scream laugh that sounds very similar to someone being murdered.

Your tickling her for not even 5 seconds till Saber comes barreling in sword in hand and ready to fight. You stop as you stare at Saber as Mari catches her breath.

Saber sees the markings on your face and the marker that is conveniently still in Mari's hand. Saber puts two and two together and she bows saying “I'm sorry for interrupting Y/n.” And so she leaves.

Mari is looking at the door with pure shock in her face. She uses the distraction of you looking towards the door as well to sprint towards the balcony and she jumps off. You roll your eyes and you look at Mari in the distance.

You head back to your room and you look in the mirror. You see the standard stuff. A unibrow a mustache with what were suppose to be freckles but looking more like you had a disease.

You take a rag and proceed to scrub your face. Once you're done your face is now red. But you're grateful that Mari didn't use a permanent marker.

You walk down the stairs to see Saber and Archer eating. There are two other plates, the one you had left for earlier and one that was in the seat beside Saber. You guessed that it was Mari's.

You sat down and began to eat. A few minutes later you hear the door open and slam close. You hear footsteps coming towards the dining area. Mari appears in the doorway. She peeks in and looks at you.

She walks with caution towards her seat beside Saber. She stares at you as you eat. But once she tastes the food she focuses on that instead of you.

You eat in silence. Again, Mari is the last one finished. And so Archer takes all the plates and goes to the kitchen. Mari is patting her stomach.

You three talk about random things and Mari proposes the ideas to leave and go out. You can see Saber is reluctant with going thinking it's not a good idea.

But she agrees anyways. While they get dressed you go to fetch Archer who is sitting down with his eyes closed. You fill him in on what your doing and he, like Saber, is also reluctant.

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