New introductions

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I had only been at work for 4 hours and I already wanted to leave

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I had only been at work for 4 hours and I already wanted to leave.

For some odd reason, everyone and their weird uncle decided to show up at the Grill today. I honestly didn't mind because it made me feel more like a normal teen again.

"Table three wants a number seven and table 9 wants the loner special." I say to the chef.

He nods and starts cooking.

While I'm rushing around the grill my eyes meet unfamiliar ones across the room. I feel a deep pull at my chest and a tingling course throughout my whole body.

But before I could watch the man any further I bumped into someone.

When I turn I see Tyler. I roll my eyes and walk off.

"Please. Kiera, talk to me." He begged. I ignored him, placing drinks on tables and greeting familiar faces.

"Please. I can't loose my best friend." He says. I only continue to serve people.

"We can talk about this later, Tyler. I'm busy." I say. I walk past him and he huffs.

"No. This is important..." i still ignore him.

"Kiera! Jesus" he curses. He grabs my wrist tightly and I look around to make sure no ones talking before I grab his throat in my hands.

"Don't. Touch.Me." I growl. "We May have grown up together but I will not hesitate to put you in your place. I control who touches me, and you aren't welcome. Do you understand me, Dog?" I add. His face had turned all red. He nods.

I let him go and walked off.

Someone lightly touched my shoulder and I turned around ready to attack but I saw the man from the table.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Sorry about that. I'm a little on edge." I say. He places his hands behind his back and smirk at me. He just stares at me for a bit.

"I'll give you a minute to realize, love." He says, his thick British accent seeping through.

My head tilts in confusion. When I stare in his eyes, I feel a familiar tingle and I watch as he licks his lips, the smile still in place.

"Feeling left out, love? I'd never make you feel left out. It's all about Elena. Save Elena, take care of Elena. But what about you." He ask. I sigh again and shrug.

I chuckle.

"Well, I see you've made an improvement from my history teacher. Not bad" I compliment. He nods thankfully to me.

"You're smart. I'll give you that." He says.

"Follow me." I instruct. He goes to object but I walk around continuing my job.

"Now what do I owe this obvious delight?" I ask sarcastically.

"I just wanted to see you, as myself, of course. I needed to meet my number one supporter now didn't I?" He asks.

I notice a small child with sauce on their face, I turn to their parents who aren't paying attention to their baby, so I pull out a napkin and while her face.

"There you go, baby." I say smiling. She looks at me in adoration before letting out a giggle.

I chuckle and walk away.

"Who says I support you?" I ask.

"You don't have a choice, my dear. It's already been foretold." He reminds.

"Oh yeah, can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, really."

"I see sarcasm is your coping mechanism. I get it. You're scared, you should be. Just not of me. I would never hurt you." He says seriously. I stop moving and look at him with a scoff.

"You killed my best friend and you plan on killing more? So don't say you'd never hurt me because that's what you're doing right now" I reply poking a finger to his chest.

He clenches his jaw.

"But I haven't harmed you-"

"Physically. You haven't hurt me physically. But emotionally, I'm in a lot of pain. Klaus, they're the only family I've got. You can't expect me to imprint on you with the shit you're pulling." I see his face flash in hurt before he washes it away.

"Be angry at me all you want now, but someday you'll thank me. I'll see you later, my love." Is all he says before storming out like a baby.

I chuckle coldly and get back to work.

"Boys...honestly. Can't take them anywhere." I mutter.

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