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Diamond: pov

I sat on my bed as Jack ranted, "He can't just do shit like that! I swear to god, I'm gonna beat his ass!". "No, don't even think about it. Violence is never the answer." I replied, wiped my tears. "This doesn't only affect you, you know that right?" Jack looked at me. "Y-Yeah." I stood up, "But, life goes on."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He suddenly asked, "I wouldn't have cared.". "I-I know it's just, I was scared you would judge. I'm sorry." I looked up at him. He hugged me. "I would never. But are you...?" He asked without saying the actual word. "No. It just happened." I replied.

He nodded and pulled away from the hug, "Let me know if someone says shit, I'll beat their ass." I laughed a bit and nodded. Jack looked at the time. "I gotta go, my dad is being a dick. Bye, I love you, keep your head up!" He kissed my head and ran out. I sighed and sat on my bed.

"I kissed a girl, and I liked it."


Written: April 18, 5:37
Published: April 18, 9:16

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