VII. Darling

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"Oi! Oi!" Masahide called out to me as I was resting peacefully.

I opened my eyes and tried getting up from my position on the ground, it was the very same spot where Sayuki and I had our talk a while ago. I skipped the afternoon class because of her and our crazy situation, it created a mess inside my head. I need to think things through with what she's trying to do. I mean not that I'm really against dating someone rather I think I do have a little bit against dating. Maybe that's because I haven't found someone I like.

"You fucker, what's with this news about you and Sayuki dating?"

I figured that was why he was here so I already knew what to answer for his question. I turned and faced him, leaning unto the wall. He was standing before me and had a serious expression which I knew was a fake one considering my assumption that he'll probably tease me to death about the current news circulating all around school.

"Well, idiot. What if we do?" I smirked.

He tried kicking me yet I already anticipated that since he always gets physical with me from time to time. I moved over to the side and shot him a glare, not appreciating what he did. A smirk settled on his face and he sat down beside me.

"Dude, Sayuki's a famous and beautiful actress. How come you two know each other?"

Thinking about it, I remembered that I met her the first time was when she and her manager stumbled across our coffee shop where they were forced to do a mini event just so they could have the entire cafe to themselves. Their topic must have been a very important one as one wouldn't normally booked an entire cafe for only a talk that lasted for only an hour or so.

"I met her at the coffee shop. She and her manager booked it for something important at the time when I was in and doing the part time work there."

He eyed me a suspicious look, "Oh, really?"


Masahide appeared to be satisfied with my answer as he didn't probe much on that topic. Instead, I beat him to a question so that our conversation would take a sudden shift elsewhere as I don't want to dwell on the subject of romantic relationship.

"Well, did you meet the Student Council President already? Didn't you say that she's coming to school today after being absent for quite some time," I questioned.

Now that I've mentioned that, I also realized that I too haven't seen the Council President. It's my second year here in this school and so I'm surprised that I haven't even met the girl. Usually, people would know the group of students in power after all, they represent the whole student body.

Masahide's countenance turned into a happy and excited one which I didn't expect that he would be this enthusiastically looking when talking about a person he's never an acquaintance with. Maybe, just maybe I think it got to do with the girl's looks if I saw Masahide being like this.

"Oh, yeah. I definitely have seen her." He answered, a knowing smile etched on him. "Dude, the girl's not bad looking, heck she's a beauty."

I shrugged and just slumped back onto the wall, I'm not that interested at her although yes, I do feel a little bit of curiosity of how she looks like however it wasn't strong to the point that I'll go to lengths just to see her.

"Her name's Ayano Serizawa, by the way." he added. "And she's a goddess~"

The way Masahide said his last statement was a bit bothering but I let it slide and didn't comment on it. Moreover, I think I'll just waste away this time to think of things since I'm planning on having another talk with Sayuki after class. A place where no one could disturb us and let us have a nice long chat in peace.

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