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Me and al finally setup the circle I the said "I hope this works" al looked at me and replied "I hope so brother" as we activated the human transmutation circle it was working when my body lit up and my arm and jaw and leg were on fire as I collapsed I had lost my right arm and left leg "Aaaaaaaaahhhh" I screamed out in agony "brother" I looked over at Al he started to peel away "AAAAALLLL" he was gone as the armor fell I crawled over to it and yelled "DON'T TAKE MY BROTHER HE IS ALL I HAVE LEFT" I drew a circle bonding his soul to the armor as a giant blue wave of energy left.
envy was currently laughing at lust ,greed looked like an idiot like usual and gluttony was eating a bird for some reason when the blue wave hit it knocked out the homunculi they got up envy said "my head what happened" as there memories came back to them there so called father mind controlled them all of them they were only insects to him they lost there powers and their stones and became human envy's humanoid form is now permanent lust can't transform her limbs gluttony can't eat humans and greed isn't the ultimate shield all their tattoos are gone. (I wanted them to be human)
Back to Ed
I woke up in a white room looking at a white entity "hello" I looked around "who are you and where is Al" the white entity looked at me "your brothers body is here but his soul is in the armor" as a black arm grabbed me and pulled me back into the gate. I started to freak out when I went in their I learned the truth about alchemy and everything I came out the gate "now go back" as I shredded and ended up in the basement staring into a black demons red eyes "aaaaaaahhh" Al in the suit woke up and walked over "brother what's the problem" then he looked at me and the demon "brother your missing your leg and arm and the is a huge scar on your cheek when the monster screamed knocking us both out.
Granny Pinako POV
The boys were late I was walking to their house I opened the door it was shut they didn't have an attic but they had a basement I walked down the stairs to a door I opened it and looked straight at the black demon "what the hell" "granny" I heard Al's voice coming from the armor "Al what happened" al got up he said "I'll explain later let's get Ed to safety" Al picked up ed who is missing a leg and arm with a scar on his right cheek we ran to my house I opened the door "hi grandma" I looked at Winry "get to making an automail leg and arm stat" Winry replied "why gr-" she seen Ed and instantly went to the work shed bench and got to work I put Ed on a bed and covered the wounds I looked at Al "tell me now" Al said "fine we did a human transmutation circle and tried to bring mom back but it went wrong I lost my body and am bonded to this armor" he said taking off his helmet traveling a symbol but no one was in the armor "my guess is that Ed made it in his on blood probably".
I woke up I looked at my right arm to see a metal arm then it hit me "Al are you alright where are you" I heard "over here brother" I looked over to see Al's new body "Al how are you feeling" Al said "good brother" as granny busted in "the state alchemist are here to see you two" as a black haired man and blond haired girl walked "hello you two I am colonel Roy mustang this lieutenant Hawkeye we have some questions" Al said "we didn't mean it we swear we didn't know" I then say "what do you want to know" Roy said "for starters off what was that thing and why did you do it" I explained the situation to them mustang turned to me "how would you like to become a state alchemist" I thought about it for a while "sure" Al looked at me surprised "you sure brother" I replied "yes Al but colonel I need a year" roy nodded "take care come on hawk eye" as the two left Winry came in and said "you sure Ed" I nodded Pinako looked at me "well you will need some new clothes" as she handed me black pants and all white shoes (look up all white authentic vans and the shirt and jacket are up there^^^ and it does include mask cause of the scar) as the rest left the room I put on my clothes I tried to walk but it was hard I finally got the hang of walking as I fall down .
Ed became super strong and from the knowledge he learned from the gate he learned a special type of alchemy that used all elements and flu used on the eyes say if he were to use fire his eyes would outline in blue fire so would his pupils and he would put his hand together and blue fire would destroy anything in its path but today was the day he would be tested he walked in their with his mask gone so was the scar he took his golden hair out of the braid he let I'd down and his hair was wavy and bright Golden there were people watching Roy mustang the fire alchemist, greed a state alchemist, lieutenant Hawkeye, and envy a state alchemist also with a little red on her face "envy you good" she looked over "yes you dimwit" greed smirked "you like the kid down there don't ya he's your size and looks to be sixteen" envy got mad and smacked greed "that outta keep you quiet you moron" back down to the arena king Bradley said "you can choose anyone down here to fight" Ed thinks about it and says "really well I choose you" Bradley looked at him "so be it i haven't fought in a while" as Bradley stood up mustang yelled "you can't be serious" Bradley looked at mustang "but I am come on Edward Elric show me the power of the elements" as purple lightning surrounded Ed's eyes he slapped his hands together a giant explosion

ONE YEAR LATEREd became super strong and from the knowledge he learned from the gate he learned a special type of alchemy that used all elements and flu used on the eyes say if he were to use fire his eyes would outline in blue fire so would his p...

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As Bradley came towards Ed with his sword Ed pulled out his Katana and blocked theng two swords as they kept fighting they hit each other's sword out of their hand Bradley's swords hit the wall and got stuck so did Ed's sword then they fist fought Ed used alchemy and made blue fire and lightning at the same time then he used wind and water they both threw a punch Ed used his automail the Bradley used his left fist and they both knocked each other out but a minute later Bradley woke up the Ed he looked at Ed and put out his arm and they shook hands "congratulations your a state alchemist" as everyone clapped he walked but not before locking eyes with envy who had an even brighter face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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